Chapter 8: Chapter 8

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Few Hours Later

Naruto was at the office after he drove Elektra to her private jet, the two had said goodbye and immediately after Naruto had come here, and was watching a videp of how Bruce Banner became the Hulk, his eyes narrowed looking at Thaddius Ross

Closing the video as Joy walked in Naruto looked at her, "Hey."

"Hey, have you seen Ward?"

"No, is something wrong?" Naruto asked in return as he got up and walked over to her

"Something has been bothering him lately, and I'm worried. He's not at any f the usual places I could find him, and he isn't answering his phone." Joy said before Naruto placed a hand on her shoulder

"Its alright, I'll find him. I needed to talk to him anyway." Naruto said getting a nod from Joy

"Thank you." Joy said before she impulsively kissed Naruto and quickly 0ulled away, "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Naruto smiled kissing Joy again, "We'll talk after I find your brother."

Joy nodded before Naruto headed out over to Ward's office, and looked outside for a moment before he entered Flash Time

Walking forward, Naruto looked around the office, and blinked as he found a smallvservalliemce camera on the speaker of the computer, "Hm." he thought before he exited Flash Time and began to sense for Ward in the city

"Found you." Naruto said opening his eyes before he walked out of the office, and soon as he was out of sight Naruto sped away through the city, weaving through traffic, before he sped into a building to the elevator doors looking up with his X-ray vision he saw Ward scrubbing blood off an carpet a few stories up

Walking forward Naruto phased through the elevator door, and flew up tg elevator shaft before he came to a stop on the appropriate floor and phased into the loft, and walked around the corner behind Ward, "You may want to replace it." he said as Ward screamed and scrambled back from him

"N-Nat-...What're you doing here?" Ward asked surprised

"Bigger question is..who's blood is that?" Naruto asked pointing at the large stain

"I-its not blood. It's paint." Ward said standing up as Naruto raised an eyebrow, "I was putting it up for when I started redecorating and spilled it."

"Really? So the trail leading away wasn't a corpse being dragged away? Or the bloody knife on the table." Naruto pointed causing Ward to look at the knife before he grabbed it and charged at Naruto and stabbed him

Or tried too...

The knife snapped in two as soon as Ward stabbed him, causing Ward's eyes to widen in shock looking at the destroyed knife, and back to Naruto

"Big mistake." Naruto said before he shot forward and grabbed Ward's throat and lifted him clean off his feet, his Sharingan active and spinning as he hypnotized Ward, "Now, usually about this time, I'd be kicking the crap out of you, but I have questions that you will answer. Whose blood is that?"

"My fathers." Ward said robotically as Naruto quirked an eyebrow

"I thought your father died of cancer?' Naruto asked

"Yes, but an organization called The Hand revived him and Rand has been helping them ever since." Ward said causing Naruto to suck his teeth

"So you killed Wendall?"

"Yes, he took the money I was going to use to get away and start a new life." Ward said

"Did Joy know about this?" Naruto asked

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