Chapter 22: Chapter 22

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It's been 6 months since H.Y.D.R.A was dragged into the light, Naruto had been going around and dispelling his clones that he had living regular lives. After a series of X-rays conducted by Claire, Naruto discovered that his cells were absorbing solar energy at an extremely slow rate and using his Speed wasn't doing him any favors so for the last 3 months he's barely used his Speedster abilities.

Jessica and Jennifer planned on opening a Private Investigation/ Lawfirm. Luckily Naruto had a few clones who had law degrees and he had nothing better to do, besides get ready and taking steps to protecting the city, having started going out at night and saving people without his speed, or chakra. Colleen continued to volunteer at the Bayard Community Center in Chinatown, while Trish got a radio show that was doing very well

Months Later

Statue of Liberty

Naruto and Jessica sat atop of the statue overlooking the city, as they cuddled into each other, "You sure you want to do this?" Jessica asked looking at Naruto who smiled and kissed her chastely

"I'm positive. It'll take time as I can't just put myself at the top of the criminal food chain here and force them to bend to my will. I want to stop it not manage it, killing them right out the gate wouldn't help me. So I will be New Yorks guardian angel, or demon. I promise you that I won't fail you again."

Jessica cupped Naruto's cheek, "You didn't fail me. You saved me from a situation that could've gotten worse. Your my hero, and I love you." she said placing her face into the crook of his neck as Naruto sighed smiling

"I love you too. Going to miss you while your down in Georgia." Naruto said

"You'll have plenty of company." Jessica replied

"Doesn't mean I'll misss you any less." Naruto said before Jessica kissed him while straddling him

"Then let me say goodbye." Jessica smiled before the two began to kiss

Later, Hell's Kitchen, New York City, Docks

"Help! Help! Help us!" 6 girls in their early 20's screamed for help as they were forced to go toward a shipping container "Help! Help! Help us!"

A bald African American man walked forward "Hey! Hey! Man, shut up." he said as the girls looked at him "I'm getting $1,000 a head for y'all. So, you be quiet I let you have a bucket." the man said holding up the bucket before he held up a taser "You don't-"

The taser crackled and the women began screaming again causing the man to sigh, before he tossed the bucket and tasted a girl and tossed her inside while the other girls were tossed in as well, "Scream all you want, ain't no body coming." the man said smirking "Come on, let me hear you scream. Scream loud. Nobody gives a shit down here."

The man began to laugh as his boys walked back to the car, before he turned into a punch that laid him out

The three men plus the fat guy sitting and eating a burger saw what happened, before the three men rushed Kitsune, who threw up his hand to parry man 1's punch, and reached forward and grabbed the man's head and slammed it into the ground,

Kitsune quickly leaned back as a knife passed by his face, and he grabbed the arm and tossed the man into the side of a shipping container, before he grunted when a knife stabbed into his shoulder

Turning around Kitsune grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and launched him back into the fat man who was watching as if in a trance, and the force behind his throw sent the fat man tumbling back into the water, while man3 skipped across the surface of the water like he was a stone

Hearing a gun click, Kitsune turned to see the bald man with a gun aimed at him, and walked forward as the man began to shoot, the bullets missing as Kitsune's upper body blurred side to side,

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