chapter 5

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Ink, blue and dream are now waiting for people to arrive

When people arrived dream and blue started asking weird questions like 'what do you think of ink?' or 'do you like anyone in particular?' Which obviously was weirding people out but they still are having fun

|And this is their outfits|
(My drawing)

"Guys please turn it down a little its getting weird" ink said to them quietly to not get attention

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"Guys please turn it down a little its getting weird" ink said to them quietly to not get attention

"Fine" they both said at the same time and they both ran of somewhere else

'I wonder were error is' ink thought to himself
'I should start greeting people i mean we hosted the party after all'

Ink started greeting and talking to people
Ink was not really listening but he kept going

While walking he zonned out soon enough he bumped into someone

And that person is error

"Oh sorry uhm- oh its you" ink said while a bit embarrassed

"I-its fInE" error is more glitched but he didnt crash

"You enjoying the party?" Ink asked

"No" error simply replied

"O-oh" said ink

"B-but its okay now since your here..." said error
'Why did i say that you idiot!'

Ink didnt say anything but they both blushed

"W-well i got to uh go i need to help uhm blue with something" error could not even say a word before ink left

'Why am i acting like this!? Its just a complement, error is just a friend... yeah just a friend' ink kept thinking while going to the kitchen to get some drinks to distract himself

When he started to drink one of the sanses asked "hey uhm ink why did you host a party? Did something special happen?"

"Uh well.." 'uagh what do i say!? I cant just say we are hostinga party to find love!'

"We wanted yo host a party cuz we uh got bored...?" Ink answered but it sounded more like he guessed

"You sound unsure of yourself ink" the sans said

"Uhm i hey whos that!?" The sans turn where he was ponting but when he turned back ink was gone

'Phew cant believe that worked..' ink thought to himself

Soon enough it was time to play some games

"Okay everyone please come to the living room so we can start the game!" Dream shouted

Everyone was now in a circle(?)

"Okay first what game do you guys wanna play?" Blue asked

"Ooh how about truth or dare (sooo original right)"

"Does anyone wanna back out or play?" Dream asked

Some people backed out and some wanted to play

The people who backed out are ink and error (and some other people im not gonna mention)

They all started playing and ink was outside

(Oh and the reason i did not want ink and error to play t or d cuz im lazy, deal with it lol)

'I should finish my drawing...' ink took out his sketchbook and started drawing

Then ink heard something but ignored it and thought it was just the t or d they were playing inside

But then felt someone watching him on his shoulder

"AH- oh error wait- DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Ink shouted

Error laugh "okay okay sorry dont overeact"

After error laughed
they noticed how close there face were

"O-oh sorry forgot to move my face a-away" ink said while blushing

"Its f-fiNe" error said while also blushing

"So why you out here?" Error asked

"I didnt want to play t or d so i left" ink replied

"Same, i dont like it" error says to ink

Error notices the drawing of ink
"Your drawing... me?"

"I u-uhm well you were sleeping and well i thought you looked handso- i mean peaceful so i wanted to draw that" ink said fast but  not to fast error couldn't understand

"Yeahhh suree i bet you thought i looked hot" error said jokingly
'Heh i wish he would actually think that...' error thought to himself

"Hey i dont! You look ugly" ink lied

"Whatever" error said a bit upset

It was getting cold and ink felt like he was gonna freeze to death (not really)

Error quickly notices and gave ink his jacket

"Huh?" Ink said quietly "oh thank you error" ink gave a smile

'Cute' error thought to himself
"Its not a big deal anyways" error says to ink

They both had a good time and went back inside after a while but then...

Cliffhanger :)

someone to love~ErrorinkWhere stories live. Discover now