chapter 8

319 13 5

|back with ink and error|

Error was now done loading after a few minutes
Ink didnt notice since he was more focused on his drawing

Error wrapped ink with is strings
Which surprised ink
"Error! Dont do that!" Ink shouted 'his so cute when mad' error thought to himself  "hey let me go NOW!" error just laughed but ofcourse eventually letting go of ink

"Hahahahah what did you get scared?" Error said

"No" ink said annoyed

"Aww im sorry cutie" error ssid to ink
'Wait what did i just say?'

'Did he just call me cutie?... AHH ink dont blush dont blush' ink thought while of course blushing

"A-anywhys i uhm gotta go i uh need to talk with a o-old friend" error lied

"Oh yeah i gotta go to uhm bye" ink said and left

After ink left error thought 'ughh why did i say that!? That was so obvious that i liked him ughh!"

(Ps error didnt leave the anti void since ink left first)
|with ink|

'Does he like me? I mean i like him back so that wouldn't be so bad But i shouldnt get my hopes up...'

Ink decided to go to outertale to clear his head since it was os peaceful and quiet there

'I need to draw... i need to get error out of my head' ink thought
Ink preceded to draw but instead of error it was... well anyother au but he kept ripping them and stared drawing again

Soon enough he gave up and went back to dream and blue

'Wonder if there worried again, they always do that when i leave its relieving that they care for me...' ink thought to himself

But when i entered the portal

He saw dream crying to blue about something
"H-hey whats wrong!? What happend?" Ink asked but when he fot close blue stopped him "ink whats wrong with you!?"

"Well a lot of things for example im soulless and-

(No im kidding thats not happening)

"Ink whats wrong with you!?" Blue said to ink mad

"W-what did i do!?" Ink stuttered

Before blue said anything dream spoke "you kissed cross!" Dream cried

"What!? I didnt do that, where did you even hear that from?" Ink said

"I heard it from ?????" dream still crying

'What? Why would he lie to dream!?'
"Guys you have to trust me" ink said to them but they didnt trust him since the person have more proof then ink

"Leave.." blue said

"What?..." ink said to make sure he heard right

"I said leave... dont make this harder then it is now" blue repeated

Ink left crying 'why would they believe him over me?... how will i fix this...' ink cried

Ink kept crying but soon relized he didnt have a place to stay and wasto tired to build a house and didnt want to ask the aus

So he asked error for help since he had his own house ink made him one a few months ago since he felt bad he had to sleep on a beanbag

someone to love~ErrorinkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant