The Murder of Bruno Cassidy, Part One

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SEPTEMBER 14, 2021

The murder of Bruno Cassidy was tragic, yes, but what was also tragic — less, but still — was the slurs people gave Jessie and Theresa. Ever since they became best friends, they've been called names, all started by one in particular.

"Sluts of fall!" laughed Bruno, wearing his usual, unwashed-for-days hoodie, his hood draped on his head effortlessly, showing his greasy, dirty, brown hair.

Apparently, having no hygiene was cool.

Oh, why 'sluts of fall' you may ask? Theresa was a brunette, and Jessie was a redhead. That said, these were the colours of fall. Although no one had quite known why 'slut' was present, the girls didn't either. My guess? Opposites attract. While Jessie was no darling, Theresa was the daintiest of all, with her plaid skirts and blue and yellow dresses. Although, the school did have a uniform. For girls, skirts and collar shirts, and for boys, jeans and collar shirts. And for anyone who didn't fit into the gender binary? Well, as unfair as it was... what gender were you assigned with at birth?

"Yo! Cassidy!"

Jessie walked up straight towards Bruno, and held his collar.

"You call us that one more time, I'll make sure I kill you real good," she said calmly, so low Bruno almost couldn't hear.

But he did.

Did that make her a suspect? People might think not, considering Bruno might've been the only one who heard. But one Theresa did. Theresa Granger heard Jessie Cassidy clearly say, 'I'll make sure I kill you real good.' But she wasn't the only one who heard.

DECEMBER 13, 2021

Mr. Crockford, the librarian, rushed in the police station one morning, having found Bruno Cassidy by the lake, a bullet hole through his head.

"I've come to report a murder."
"By the name of?"
"The murder of Bruno Cassidy."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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