chapter 7 i think: oop you in troubleeee

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after seeing the shrek fireworks and shit yay romantic time with your not boyfriend yay and this is where everything goes wrong

oh shit hikaru and kaoru are here

and now flynn has to take care of smth this ain't ending well

so flynn trots off to go give the twins the crown

he gives the twins the crown but oh shit now they want you.

that ain't good-

you see someone coming but oh shit it's hikaru and kaoru.
they tell you flynn ran off with the crown and shoes you him riding off, but actually he's freaking tied to the ship.

you run, and your hair gets stuck, hisoka 'saves you' omg he's such a great actor 🗿

you are sure hisoka was right. but lmao you were lied to

and oh shit now the guards have found flynn and they're gonna take him to be executed or something


*cuts back to you*

hisoka is telling you how bad the world is and tbh he's not wrong but your sad bc your non boyfriend is gonna be murdered and oh shit now your gonna find out your actually the princess and you've been painting that sun start thing your entire life omg what a shocker

idek how you'd remember something if you were like just born but anyways flynn's gonna be murdered now

"it wasn't uS iT wAs tHe oLd LaDy"

flynn struggles, hisokas worried

"i am the lost princess. arent i?"

and with that terrible disappointment, it's time to end this chapter lmao

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