chpt 11: alter

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Raeyang threw herself onto the motel bed, pulling the stolen jacket over her arms.

She had went to a sauna, paying with Raejin's credit card before going to a nearest ATM and fishing all the money out in cash.

She's now one rich walking bank.

She looked towards the mirror. Raejin's brother had hypnotize Raejin so that she, Lee Raeyang, her alter, wouldn't come out.


He don't understand the pain Raejin went through. And that's she exists to save Raejin from reality.

Raeyang sat up. She needs to plan out details.

She can't go back.

Especially the boy, who had his eyes on Raejin.

Raeyang wasn't really always asleep. There are times where she watched, as the boy eyed Raejin as though she was his.

How oblivious is Raejin? To not notice those possessive eyes?

Raeyang's hand moved towards her hair. She frowned at the long hair, but resist to cut it.

Raejin liked the long hair.

It took a moment before she made up her mind.

The next hour, Raejin walked out of a salon, with long hazel hair with blond highlights at the end tied into a braid. She was wearing a yellow crop top and a long pair of blue high waist jeans, her Elmo socks hidden by her white sports shoes.

Now, she needed somewhere to stay.

Where in Seoul can she stay so Lee Heesung and Yang Jungwon wouldn't catch her?

She got on the bus, and watch as commuters come and go. Then, someone caught her eye.

It was a tall teenager with a burning stare. He was wearing a suit and carrying a suitcase, waiting at the bus stop.

The teenager caught her eye, and widened in surprise, before nodding to her.

Raeyang smiled. She know exactly where to go now.

"Nicholas. "


Justin gasped, sitting up.

He feel around his neck, and hissed when he touched the bruise around at the back of his neck.

"Wo Ta M-"

Someone smack him. Justin yowled, turning around as Yuqi glared at him. "Don't curse, okay? "

And Justin realized that he have an audience.

Three women. Eight men. All eyes on him.

He gulped.

"What...?" He squeaked, shifting towards Yuqi who was right beside the bed. She shrugged.

"Okay, how are you feeling? " One of the young man stood out, bending towards him. He grabbed his chin and started turning his head, looking at him from left to right. "Any pain? Or anywhere uncomfortable? "

"N-no... " Justin stuttered. What's going on? "Erm, I'm fine... "

"Where's noona? You're the last to saw her. " The boy in the wheelchair demanded. Justin shivered under his gaze.

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