survival of the richest

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emrys felt the sharp breeze of a new york fall hit her face as she stepped out of her car. she gave her driver a nod to thank him, and walked towards the school. her high heeled mary janes clacked across the stone pathway that lead up to the large building.

it was made up of white stone and was classic looking, with surrounding pillars, gates, and four separate wings. there was a shining sign above the main entrance which spelt out, 'ploúsios preparatory school'. it stood out compared to the rest of the street which was just small cafes, boutiques, and office buildings.

once on the property, there were many different ways to get lost. not only did the five story building have long complicated hallways, but they also all looked identical. on the back side there were fields for sports, an outdoor pool, tennis courts, and basketball courts.

school pride was very important to them, with uniforms in the school colors being required. of course the kids took it upon themselves to accessorize. they often traded out blazers for sweaters, not to mention accessories, shoes, hair, and more; you could expect nothing less from new yorks wealthiest.

everything there was a subtle competition to flash your wealth, and that's right where emrys fit in; in a giant game of survival of the richest, she always came out on top. everyone there knew that, and nobody dared to step in the way of the queen bee and her small group of friends.

as emrys stepped foot through the double doors at the front, she scanned the crowded marble hallway for her friends. students were grouped together to catch a few minutes of gossiping before class. the high ceilings and archways amplified all the noise to an insufferable level.

emrys found her friends huddled together behind a tall pillar. 

"hey." she said nonchalantly, as she slipped into the circle they had formed. everybody gave a chorus of responses back, still hungover from the night before.

there were five people in the group, including emrys. they'd grown up together, and had first day photos all the way from pre-k to high school.

there was jaden, a tall, skinny, beautiful girl. she had the looks of a supermodel, which her indian parents had graciously passed down to her. her grandpa was very high in the indian government, and had forced jaden's parents to move to america nearly 20 years ago. her and emrys were very close.

standing next to the right of jaden was audrey. she was a lot shorter than emrys who was 5'8, and jaden, who was 5'11. just like most of the people at the school, she was drop dead gorgeous, with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. she came from some royal descendants in the south of france, whom she visited every summer. audrey seemed sweet at first glance, but under her charming smile was a raging gossip. she knew all of the drama that went down in that building. every secret anyone has ever said, has reached audrey's ears at some point.

audrey was dating oliver, who had tan skin and dark brown hair. he was known as the life of the party, always getting high or drunk, or doing some stupid dare that would probably kill him. but it was fine, because emrys was usually doing it with him. 

then there was spencer. where do you even start with spencer... he was tall, a brunette, had great hair, but also a serious manwhore. his two favorite pastimes were probably playing lacrosse, and sleeping with girls. him and emrys had known each other the longest, since their families were intertwined. 

and then there was emrys.

the five of them made up the most prestigious group in the school, despite the fact that they were just juniors.

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