teaching, a parody of torture

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Emrys sighed as she slumped down into one of the wooden desks in their history classroom. She had managed to get through most of the day without too many people talking to her, since she'd forgotten to take advil that morning and her head was pounding. Jaden and Sophie were on either side of her, chatting about yesterdays party, but(like usual) Emrys' mind was elsewhere.


She felt a long acrylic poke her blazer, and looked up at Sophie with a glare.

"Ouch, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Sophie teased, leaning on her elbow.

Emrys sighed and rolled her head back, "Sorry, I'm a bit tired." This was partially true. By the time she had gotten into bed, it was well past two. But the main reason Emrys couldn't focus was due to the lecture she'd gotten from her dad. He'd given another 'I'm disappointed in you' talk, which resulted in her tossing and turning for the rest of the night.

"Oh yeah, how did your dad react to you partying on a school night." Jaden asked, pulling out her laptop from her bag.

Emrys sighed again, "The usual. He told me off for a few minutes before he had to take a call, and thank god he had to, or i would probably be dead right now."

Sophie snorted, "We had to cover for you after you stormed out. Everybody was talking about how you shoved Tyler and Alden apart. Apparently you're very jealous of their relationship."

Emrys almost cackled at Sophie's words. "That is so exaggerated. I literally tripped onto one of them, and I doubt they noticed with their tongues down each others throats." Emrys said. She was so sick of her small interactions being blown up to something bigger than it was.

"You should have seen what they did after you left," Jaden laughed, "I thought I was about to get a free porn show."

The three of them broke out into a fit of giggles, but were interrupted by the teacher walking in. He stood at the front of the class, waiting for the kids to quiet down. However, it took a few throat clearings and rude looks to shush the excited students on the last period of the day. The class eventually fell silent, with the three girls turning to the front. Emrys and her friends were still trying to stifle their giggles as Mr. Meyers turned to their smartboard to start the lesson.

"Now, can anyone tell me about Horace Mann." Mr. Meyers said. The class remained silent, none of the students bothering to glance up from their books. The man sighed, resorting to reading from the book himself. "Horace Mann was an American educational reformer, and politician, who devoted his life to bringing public schools to America. He said that, 'Education is our only political safety'. I want all of you to turn to page 394 and start reading," The entire class groaned simultaneously, but Mr. Meyers ignored them, "Since you decided to not participate today, you can expect a pop quiz on his six principles of education, plus basic facts about his life, by the end of the period."

The class broke out into angry protest, but were quickly interrupted by the teacher, "Times ticking, my future politicians." The 15 hungover kids in his class did not find his joke very funny, and slammed open their books to start studying. 

"Horace Mann also said, 'A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn, is hammering on cold iron.' but Meyers seems to have forgotten that." Emrys grumbled to Jaden who was glaring at the book in front of her.

Jaden cracked a smile, "Well with a brain like that Ms. Adair, I don't think you have the need for Meyers or his stupid history crushes."

Emrys giggled.

"I'll have my dad send a letter to Harvard about you immediately," Sophie joked, "You'll be accepted faster than you can say 'Meyers' will be single for the rest of his life'."

The girl in the middle rolled her eyes at their usual teasing, "You're dad's gonna have to write a really long one for you Soph, explaining why you flunked out of 11th grade History."

"I'll just have him write a check or some crap, they'll let me in too."

"'All the riches baby, won't mean anything.'" Emrys quoted, flipping to the next page of her textbook. "Especially if you don't put in effort."

"Oh, let me guess, Einstein?" Jaden said snarkily.

Emrys smiled, "Nope. Gwen Stefani."

• • •

The class dragged on for what felt like hours, before the bell finally rang at 2:30. Chatter started again throughout the classroom, talking over the teacher who was desperately trying to assign homework.

"Do you guys want to go shopping tomorrow? Ballet's being cut to 4:30, and I really need something to soften the blow of that quiz." Emrys asked as the trio walked out of the room. they were greeted by Spencer leaning against the wall outside, graciously waiting for them.

"Yes, then we can go gossip with the dean!" he mocked, sliding into their conversation..

Emrys snorted at his usual banter, and the four of them fell into line.

"Shut up Spencer. We all know about your old crush on Dean Alina." Jaden snapped back.

"Hey, she was hot." he argued, "It's too bad she resigned, I totally would've hit." 

Jaden laughed as Spencer swung his arm around Emrys' shoulder. She rolled her eyes as he guided her to the south exit. 

"I'll see you ladies later." he said, leaving the other two girls alone to exchange their test answers.

Emrys waved bye to Jaden and Sophie, letting herself be dragged out the door and into the courtyard. the weak September sun hit both of them in the eyes.

"Holy shit, it's cold." Emrys shivered, pulling her blazer tighter around her.

They walked together down the staircase and into the sea of cars parked in the front. The patio was completely covered in fallen leaves, creating a beautiful backdrop. The school was on a fairly busy street, so the street parking was assigned to certain students only. 

"Thats my car." Emrys said, ducking out from under his arm once she saw Jason, her driver, waiting for her.

"Aw, are you ditching me?" Spencer said, "I guess I'll have to crash your guys' shopping date tomorrow."

Em let out a laugh, before stepping into the back seat of her range rover. "Like Sophie would let you do that."

Her driver shut the door before Spencer could shoot back another sarcastic response, and she waved bye to him. She was glad to be in her car, New York was not very forgiving in the fall. she quickly turned on the seat warmers, and they started to drive away.


ok ik this probs makes no sense rn but i promise you will understand soon

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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