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tw: scars/cuts, please keep this in mind while reading.

this isn't angsty, i swear lol


"Hey, 'm back." Katsuki said, dropping off his gauntlets the floor of their shared apartment. He rubbed his tired eyes as he toed his shoes off, walking over to their bedroom. He had ended up coming home much later than usual, the reporters taking way too damn long to ask all their questions.

"Eijirou? You home?" He peeked his head into the room before walking in. He was seemingly fast asleep moments before, but now was blinking his eyes open. His red hair was down and spread out around him. Katsuki sat down at the side of the bed and ran his hands through the strands, twirling them between his fingers.

"Mmm.. hey." The redhead said, yawning as he turned over rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "How was work?"

"Eh, fine. Icy Hot pissed me off more than usual, though."

"What'd he do?"

"Told me I shouldn't have insulted one of the reporters. The shit I said was just accurate, not fuckin' mean or anything!"

Eijirou pushed himself up and leaned his wrists against their mattress. "Well, what'd you say to 'em?" Katsuki looked down, seemingly trying to avoid the question.

"I said that his girlfriend probably fakes her orgasms."

He looked up to see Eijirou's reaction, a dropped jaw, though a smile appeared on his face as he broke into laughter. "K-Katsuki! You can't just, just say that to a person!"

"Why the hell not?" If this was back in high school, he would've blown up in anger, exploding everything in his sight until he ran back to his room to calm down. But now it came out as an almost hilarious genuineness.

"Were there any cameras around?" Eijirou said, trying his best to stop himself from laughing again.

"Fuckin' probably, I don't know."

"Children might've been watching that, Katsuki!"

"Not my fuckin' problem if their parents haven't taught them this shit yet." Katsuki said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh my- I can see the article now!" Eijirou said, changing his tone to that of some sort of newscaster. "Pro hero Dynamight, often known for his foul language, made 8-year-olds across the country start crying!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Pro hero Dynamight also made sure some primary school didn't catch on fire that one time, so those 8-year-olds can thank me." This only caused his boyfriend to laugh harder, now doubled over.

"Some poor kid's at home right now getting the birds and the bees talk 'cause of you, man!"

"Not my problem." The blonde said, leaning into Eijirou's shoulder, exhausted from the day.

"Man, you're ruthless." The other lightheartedly said, moving his arm the rest around the other's bicep. "Ya tired?"

"Fuck yeah, let's go sleep."

"But you're still in your hero uniform. And no offense dude, but you need a shower." The blonde groaned, moving his head and pushing himself off the bed. "Fine, whatever."

"Awww, c'mon, don't be mad, Katsuki." The redhead pouted.

"I'm not, 'm just tired." He said, walking over to their bathroom and narrowly avoiding walking into the bed frame. Eijirou walked over to him, the sleepiness gone from his features. He smiled as pushed his hands onto his boyfriend's back, guiding him in the right direction.

"You can take a shower in the morning, cause I'm scared you might fall asleep. I'll help you with everything else, alright?" The redhead already began to take off Katsuki's mask but the other childishly grabbed his wrists, pushing them away from his face.

"Don't.. Don't worry, I can do everythin' myself, just go back to sleep, Eijirou." The blonde yawned. "I'm fully fuckin' capable on.. On my own."

"Sure you are, Katsuki, now come on, let me help." Eijirou took Katsuki's hands away from his wrists and began to take off his mask once more, looking at tired eyes as he did so.

"Man, I'm so glad I taught you how to use eyeliner, it really suits you," Eijirou said, reaching to remove Katsuki's hairpieces.

"Mmm, only reason you knew how was cause of your whole emo thing in middle school or whatever." The blonde said. Even while tired, he was able to make his boyfriend's face go red in embarrassment.

"H-hey! I thought we both agreed that you could tease me for everything else, but that was totally off limits!" The other said as grabbed the piece around Katsuki's neck and took it off. "You're so lucky I like you man, or I totally wouldn't have done this stuff for you."

"Never asked you to."

The other shushed him as he reached down to his waist, gesturing to ask if he could take his shirt off for him. If this were back in high school he would've been a blushing mess at even the idea of doing something like that to Katsuki, but now they were fully comfortable with one another, no secrets to hide.

"Yeah, sure." Eijirou grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up, laughing as Katsuki lifted up his arms. As he lifted it up scars new & old from years of being a pro were exposed, something both of them had. He even saw one that seemed to be from today, which he would have to tend to, having done that to one another countless times. It was scary the first time, Eijirou having hyperfocused on how scars equaled weakness when they in fact meant strength. Katsuki was gentle when he tended to him, which was different at first, but now fully welcome and flattering, as well as something they both did to one another.

"Stay here, alright? I'll go get the stuff to patch you up." The blonde nodded as Eijirou closed the door behind him, rushing over to a drawer in their shared desk. He pulled out a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide as well as a bandage. While he was at it, and to buy Katsuki time while he changed into his sleep attire, he filled up a glass of water for him, knowing he forgot to drink it throughout the day.

He went back and knocked on the door, hearing the blonde mumble in response. He walked in a set down his things by the sink, gesturing for his boyfriend to walk over. This cut wasn't that major, nor did it seem painful, but it was a good idea to clean it up anyway. Eijirou poured the antiseptic onto a cotton ball, gently placing it on the injury. They had both grown used enough to the sting of it, now just relating it to these strangely domestic moments of theirs. He then placed the bandage onto it, smiling at his handiwork. "There," He finished as he gave his partner a peck on the cheek, "Finished."

"Now sleep." Katsuki said, pulling Eijirou through the doorway. He sighed as he fell back into bed, feeling the mattress dip as the other joined beside him. He turned over so their faces were facing one another, Eijirou moving forward so that their arms and legs were entangled in one another. Katsuki felt Eijirou mumble a 'good night' into his shoulder and he was out like a light, Katsuki mumbling one back.

If Katsuki added a fond 'my love' to the end of his words, that was nobody's business but his own. 

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