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didn't really wanna make something with a kid oc, so uhm i made this instead? my brain was like "oh, thinking about futures! some people want children in the future". doesn't fit with the prompt that much but uhhhh too late ig

also sorry for posting later today, i literally just sat at my computer for 8 hours cause uhm fuck having creativity !!! 


"Katsuki?" Eijirou asked from his spot on his boyfriend's bed, listening to the sounds of Katsuki's typing stop.

"Yeah?" He turned around in his chair, seeing his boyfriend sprawled out on the bed.

"Do you... do you still want to be, y'know, together after we graduate from UA and stuff? Cause I know you wanna devote yourself to becoming number one, which is manly as hell, but... " Eijirou trailed off, avoiding eye contact with Katsuki in opt to look at the ceiling. He heard a faint "tch" and felt a weight next to him on the bed.

"Dumbass, obviously. Why would I deal with your bullshit just to dump you or something?" Eijirou sat up on his hands to see Katsuki looking back at him, eyes glaring in an almost fond sort of fashion.

Eijirou gave a boyish laugh as he scratched the nape of his neck. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense." he held his cheek in the palm of his hand. "Man, you seem to have everything planned out for once we become pros, I have no idea where I'll go. I mean, I'll probably stay with Fatgum and Tamaki-senpai, but I don't want to be too much of a burden on them too much, y'know?"

"You're not burdening them, dumbass. They're there to teach you n' shit, they don't get bothered by it." Katsuki said as he pinched the redhead's bicep, ignoring the other's pout.

"Man, how do you always make so much sense? You're so good at thinking, dude!" Eijirou whined, leaning into Katsuki.

"Yeah, guess I am." The blonde said, adjusting so the redhead's hair wouldn't poke his eye out. He felt the the other hum.

"What're you gonna do when you graduate? Cause no offense dude, but you probably can't become number one right away." Bakugou glared at the other as he scoffed.

"Well, after we move in together, I'll-"

'Wait, wait, stop right there. We're gonna move in together?" Eijirou said, moving from his position to look at his boyfriend, confused but happy expression adorning his features.

"Well, duh. Anyway, then I'll-"

"No, no, let's talk about that dude!" Eijirou said as he laughed, covering the blonde's mouth with his hand. "Did you just decide that for the both of us?" He said it while laughing but with a fond expression.

"Yeah? Why?" Katsuki said, oblivious to his boyfriend's mockery.

"Aww! Katsuki, that's adorable!" Eijirou said as he threw himself onto his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. The other's face went red as he made a futile attempt to pull his boyfriend off.

"E-eh? The fuck are you talking about, dumbass?"

"You already had plans for us to move in together! Let me guess, you already looked for an apartment!" Eijirou said, the teasing now evident in his voice as he laughed. Bakugou's face went redder than before.

"Sh-shut up, dumbass! So what if I looked, these are things we need to think about!"

"Wait... did you actually look for apartments?"

"Well duh! I already started saving up for it, you should too!" Katsuki said, blush still there on his ears but being ignored in favor of Eijirou's matching pink cheeks.

"O-oh." Eijirou said. "Y-yeah, guess I should, huh?" His smile was one that was genuine and beautiful, a sight reserved for Katsuki and Katsuki alone. They looked at one another with thousands of thoughts in their heads, all of which were left unsaid, left to interpretation. They both understand though, they always understood each other. Eijirou adjusted them so their faces were centimeters apart, breaths ghosting each other's lips. Katsuki moved forward so their lips could meet, so he could feel Eijirou's smile against his lips. They moved in a synchronized tandem, one that each of them subconsciously knew by heart. They let go for air, looking at the other's gentle smile and eyes flickering around the other's face.



"I think you're pretty." Eijirou said, leaning back towards the other as his hand moved to cup the other's cheek, thumb gently rubbing over the other's features.

"You're the pretty one, fucker." Katsuki mumbled as he closed the distance between them once more. Eijirou laughed as he reciprocated the actions, pushing his boyfriend away for a moment.

"I bet you're the only person that can complement and insult their partner in the same sentence."

"Guess I'm pretty one-of-a-kind then, huh?"

"Yeah, you are." Eijirou adjusted his position so he was farther back, now being able to take in all of Katsuki's features.

"Man, I can't wait for everything. When we move in, can we get a pet?"

"As long as it isn't one of those slobbery dogs, then sure."

"Oh, come on! They're not that bad!" Eijirou pouted, eyes glaring daggers to Katsuki in a joking manner. "What about a cat?"

"Sure, they're tiny assholes, I'm down."

"A bird?"

"Depends on what kind."

"Ooh, what about a rooster?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I don't think our landlord would approve of keeping a rooster in the building."

"Aww. What about a lizard?"

"Sure, as long as we get one that can bite."

"Dude, why would you want that?"

"One time when damn Deku and I were kids we went to this zoo and were able to touch the lizard and that fucker bit me, this is revenge."

Eijirou laughed. "Alright, sure, whatever. What about a ferret?"


"Oooooh, can we get a snake?" Eijirou said, lighting up.

"I guess, but why the hell do you seem so excited?"

"My friend from middle school had one when we were kids, it was really cool!"

"Fine, whatever, but you have to choose one."

"I'll let future me handle that." Eijirou said as he laid back against the bed, feeling his boyfriend do the same.

"Wanna get married when we're older, too?"

"I already know where to propose."

Eijirou turned to face him. "Huh? Really?"

Katsuki chuckled and moved his hands around as he spoke. "Yeah, it's next to this really pretty mountain that's gonna be near our apartment. We'll be hiking and then take a break and once you're looking at the scenery or some shit I'll surprise you and you'll say yes and yadda, yadda ,yadda."

"Ooh, that's really cute. Who knew you were such the romantic, Katsuki?" Eijirou teased as he moved his head to the side to face Katsuki.

"Yeah, whatever."

"What else are we gonna do when we're older?"

"I don't know, what else is there to do?"

"Adopt a kid?" Eijirou said.

"Sure, as long as I help them with whatever homework they have." Katsuki laughed at his boyfriend's fake offended expression. "Fine, I'll be the cool dad then."

"Yeah, whatever, dumbass." Katsuki whispered as they moved their faces closer, lips pressed against one another. Katsuki ran his thumb against the redhead's jawline.

There was still an entire lifetime ahead of them of these intimate moments, and neither could wait. 

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