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Friday, September 13th, 1501:

Tap. Tap. A face appears at the window. A haunted face, illuminated by the light of the moon with the backdrop of the dark forest. Shadows line the eyes, the cheeks, the jaw, the same way one might apply makeup. But the only makeup she wears is the makeup of her past. Fury folds her lips. Sadness burns her heart. The window shatters. The people inside disappear. One year. One year can hold so much hurt.

Friday, October 13th, 1502:

Tap. Tap. A face appears at the window. A haunted face, illuminated by the light of the moon with the backdrop of the dark forest. Shadows line the eyes, the cheeks, the jaw, the same way one might apply makeup. But this year, the shadows are darker, the skin paler. Fury folds her lips. Sadness burns her heart. The window shatters. The people inside disappear. Her fists close over the shards of glass. A scream echoes and reverberates across the empty woods. It is her own. Two years. Two years can hold so much hurt.

Friday, November 13th, 1503:

Tap. Tap. A face appears at the window. A haunted face, illuminated by the light of the moon with the backdrop of the dark forest. It is the same story, the same one each year, the same cabin, the same woman, the same people. But not the same story. This story is her story, because behind the haunting and the shadows and the fury, there was a woman. Three years. Three years, and seven people are gone. Seven, plus her.

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