chapter. 12

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   Something about this man always made you feel so small, so insignificant, nothing you did ever felt good enough.

No matter how much you proved your worth. It always felt like it was never good enough for the gigantic redhead that stood before you known as your father.

   Somehow just with his gaze upon you reduced you to feel like nothing more than a 5 year old child whining that they didn't wanna go to bed.

   "Father no! I'm not going! I'm no....not! You can't make me!"

Screaming like a child, shotos hands on your shoulders. Enji standing infront of you merely feet away with his arms crossed glaring down at you.

"I took down a gang leader! Saved two allies and got my hands on his life's work!!! How is that not good enough-"

Enji grunts loud causing you to freeze. All confidence you ever had slipped away, vanishing as if you were some meak creature without a family title or a quirk that could send anyone flying. 

"SATOKO. YOU ALMOST DIED! You have been Rebellious. Disobedient. And extremely disrespectful. You have gotten kid napped THREE TIMES, and risked your brothers and my mens reputations.
what in your right mind thinks that I ended my trips early to come here and deal with you first hand just to let Some tears you shed stop me from bringing you with me?"

You look down to the ground as  tears start to fall from your eyes and landing at your feet. Not even an hour ago you had so much confidence in the fact that aizawa and hawks was going to be able to get you out of going to Germany and all of that is now gone. Just by the presence of your father.

The door opens and shuts from behind your father and you look up with pleading eyes, seeing a very shocked and confused Aizawa and hawks holding a drink Carrier and 2 bags of food. They both look from you and then up to your father with surprised expressions....

"Weren't Touya and Natsuo just trying to fucking kill you dad? But yet I'm the one thats being forced away?! How is that fair"

Enji  Looks over at the door to the 2 that just had stepped in and then glaring back at you.

"Satoko. That's different and has been dealt with. Something you will learn my dear daughter is your fucking place"

aizawa walks past you, his face twisted into anger as his back was now to your father. He walked over to the table and say the drinks down. Hawks stepping around enji with the bags of food in his hands holding them up.

"Here ya go kiddos eat up....Hey Boss why are you here? I thought Aizawa was bringing Satoko to you in a few-"

Hawks speaks nonchalantly trying to make it seem that he was completely taken back by your father being here.

Enji glares down at Hawks. But his expression was unphased. Aizawa steps over to the chair by the bed crossing his arms over his chest waiting to see what happens.

"I came to bring my daughter myself. Since the lot of you can't seem to handle things when it comes to her."

Shotos hands start to shake as he drops them into clinched fist by his side.

"Tokos not leaving"

Shoto says under his breath and your father raises an eyebrow at him letting out a soft chuckle.

"Oh? My son. Weren't you the one that had the idea? Said anything to keep her alive"

Your eyes wide and turning sideways to look at your brother who was looking at your father with a shocked expression.

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