chapter 25.

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The days had turned in too weeks and the weeks have turned into months.

You had seen shoto in your connection off and on, Reporting things that Bakugo might have missed.

You slept more often than not. Due to the pregnancy and the amount of stress that came along with playing this chess game with these gang leaders.

On this day it started out like any other. Waking up alone to the smell of food. Sore from the night prior getting fucked by Bakugo.

The typical, yelling and complaining about missions from kirishima and Denki could be heard from the living room they bassiclly lived on the couch whenever they weren't on missions.

Deku was hardly ever around. He started keeping his distance and occasionally would go with you to the doctors appointments.

You took a shower as you normally do, slipping on some cotton shorts and one of dekus v neck Versace shirts, grabbing whatever dude shirt that was closest to you when you dressed was normal.

They all kind of gotten used to you walking around in their shirts or who's evers basketball shorts. Except Denkis. You wore his shirt one time and he tried to feel you up and got his ass beat by Bakugo. So for his safety izuku told you to avoid grabbing any of Denkis clothes.

Wrapping your hair up in the towel. Opening the bathroom door with your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth to go get your face wash that you had left on your vanity.

stopping seeing deku sitting On the bed his elbows resting on his knees his thumbs pressed to his mouth staring at the floor like he was consemplating something. You were surprised but yet you kept the act that you had been for the last few months.

"Ey izuku...whats up babe"

You carried on walking over to your vanity and picking up the face wash walking back into the bathroom leaving the door open not hearing him say a thing you look back out the door and see hes staring at you.

" going on a mission tonight...."

You raised your eyebrow in confusion. That is no different than every night he seems to be gone most of the time on 'missions' or doing whatever...

" saf-"

Stumbling over your words before you noticed he was right behind you catching you off guard, the tooth brush falls from your mouth,  you hadn't even taken your eyes off of him and he had moved that fast...

"You're needed for this mission...."

Your attention snaps up to look at him in the reflection of the mirror dropping the face wash.

"Um're kidding right?"

He grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around facing you his eyes seemed unphased almost dead.

"Your coming with me and Denki tonight and I'm going to need you to not fight me on this and NOT tell Bakugo"

Your eyes widen. Hes not joking. Taking a soft inhale trying to not expose how nervous you really were.

"Fine.....fine....I trust you...but how am I supposed to get out of this house without Bakugo kno-"

His expression changes to anger his jaw tightens and his grip on your shoulders does as well causing you to flinch.

"I dont need katchans permission to take MY feature wife out of town now hmm?"

Your eyes widen.

"Out of town?....izuku.."

Your facade was starting to become hard to keep up. He could tell and for some reason the look on his face showed he was enjoying your uncertainty.

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