Chapter 1

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Meredith woke up Wednesday morning feeling like crap. She felt nauseous, and debated going into work. But she reminded herself she's an intern, and can't afford missing any days, because she'll be missing learning experiences and great surgeries.

During rounds, she would stay in the back of the hospital room, leaning against the wall trying to get through it. She kept holding her stomach, telling herself not to throw up; trying to keep a state of mind. Christina noticed how she was acting.

"Woman trouble?" Christina asked.

"I think dating two guys is getting to me; the stress from it all." Meredith groaned, taking in deep breaths. "I think I'm getting an ulcer."

"McDreamy and the vet are making you sick."

"I need to make a choice and get it over with."

Meredith and Christina caught up with the rest of their group during rounds. Meredith again remained in the back of the room. After finishing rounds with their last patient, Meredith sat down in the lobby, still holding her stomach.

"You alright, Dr. Grey?" Bailey asked.

"Yeah, Dr. Bailey." She groaned. "I'm just fine." Meredith saw Derek coming into the lobby and sighed. "Need to make a choice, that's all."

Derek saw Meredith sitting and walked over to here. "Dr. Grey, I have a clipping of an aneurysm. Would you like to assist me in the OR?" He heard Addison say oh my god, and looked her way, seeing Mark, his ex-best friend, talking to the Chief. "Oh my god."

"Oh my god." Meredith groaned. Next thing she knows it, she is throwing up on the floor of the hospital.

Dr. Grey, what the-" Dr. Bailey walked over to her. "Yang, get this girl some water.

Christina quickly got Meredith some water to drink. "Here, Mer. Drink this."

"Meredith, are you okay?" Derek asked

"I'm fine. You have aneurysms to cut and surgeons to confront." Meredith took another sip of water.

"Can you look after her please?" He asked Christina.


Meredith, Christina, and George were in the lobby, watching Derek confront the Chief and Mark. They were hoping to see if something more would happen, like when Mark first arrived to Seattle and Derek punched him. Meredith was leaning on her two friends for support, but knew she was going to throw up again, and found the closest trash can.

"Oh, crap!" Christina shouted. "Are you pregnant?

"This is just perfect. An adulteress love child." Addison said as Derek rushed down the stairs to be with Meredith.

"It goes with an adulteress sociopath." He shot back. "Meredith."

"No, nuh uh." Dr. Bailey pushed Derek away. "You've done enough already. Come on Meredith."

Dr. Bailey had Christina take Meredith to an examine room to run some tests to see what possibly could be wrong with her.

"So who's the father?" Christina asked

"I'm not pregnant!"

"I didn't think I was pregnant when I was pregnant either. Non-stop vomiting, fever, abdominal pain. Sounds like pregnant to me."

"I'm not pregnant." Meredith rubbed her lips shut, trying to hold in the vomit.

"You don't know who the father is." Christina laughed

"Well it'd have to be Derek's. There's no way it could be Finn's

"You haven't had sex with the vet yet?" Meredith shook her head. "Well you need to get out of that relationship immediately."

Meredith sighed. "I can't be pregnant, can I?"

"A Mcbaby." Christina teased when she touched Meredith's stomach.

"Was I this mean to you when you were pregnant?"

"I thought you said you weren't pregnant." She smirked

Dr. Bailey entered the examine room when she had the results of Meredith's pee test. "Pregnant. Grey, you're pregnant."

Meredith looked at Christina when she heard those words. Hearing that made her want to throw up, so she motioned Christina for the trash can and bent over it, wiping her face when done. "Crap."

"Guess who's having a Mcbaby." Christina pointed at Meredith when she joined her group of friends in the cafeteria.

"Christina!" Meredith snapped. "You're not supposed to be telling everyone."

"It's just Izzy and George." She shrugged off.

"Really, Mer?" Izzy asked. "A Mcbaby? Wouldn't have ever thought the pregnant intern would be you, though with all the sex you and Derek have, no surprise!"

"Christina was pregnant first, if I may point out." She saw Derek enter the cafeteria, and he walked over to her. "Don't say a word to Derek."

"Meredith, how're you feeling?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me this. I'm fine, just fine." She snapped, getting up from the table.

Derek looked at Christina wondering why Meredith is in such a mood.

'Woman problems." She replied, tossing another fry in her mouth. "I'd stay away."

‼️ Disclaimer ‼️

I don't own these characters or the book

The characters belong to greys anatomy

Credits to - robertamarieee on fan

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