"Chapter 16"

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Meredith's and Derek's clinical trial was published into a magazine; though Meredith is very unhappy with it. The trial was being called the Shepherd Method; not the Shepherd-Grey Method. She's not mentioned once in the article, though it was her idea. But of course the big fancy neurosurgeon gets all the credit like always.

"I'm just saying, you can't call it the Shepherd-Grey Method because then people would think you had help."

"Meredith, don't be ridiculous."

"It was my idea, Derek! I deserve some credit!"

"I created the virus, and you assisted." Derek said.

"Are you saying that people who assist are not important?"

"I'm saying you're barely a first-year resident; a baby. You have a lot to learn."

"I'm a baby?" Meredith questioned.

Derek sighed. "Look, Meredith. I'll write the editors, and have them print a correction; the Shepherd-Grey Method."

"I don't want you to give me credit cause you're mad I'm mad. Give me credit cause you think I worked hard for it and deserve it.

"Listen, you have the potential to be a good surgeon, maybe a great one, but you haven't scratched the surface on what you need to learn. So no, you don't deserve it."

"I'm late." Meredith stormed out of the kitchen with Ellis in arm. "And I hate that picture!" She shouted as she headed out of the house. She angrily put Ellis in her car seat mumbling to herself. "And your dad calls me a baby. Can you believe that?"

Meredith slammed her car door shut and drove to the hospital. She dropped Ellis off at the daycare, and went up to the resident lounge to change into her scrubs. She then took her interns on rounds and then found Christina to rant to her about Derek and the stupid magazine.

"Do you agree with him?" Meredith finally asked.

"The least he could had done was mention you. Like how many hours did you spend helping him?"

"Too much for nothing in return. Oh, and look, there he is." Meredith pointed towards the elevator. "McAss."

Christina laughed. "Did you just call him McAss"

"Well he's definitely not McDreamy."

Meredith went on with her day, but avoided Derek because she's still upset with him. During her lunch break, Meredith went down to the daycare and took Ellis out to spend her break with her. Once again, she took the baby up to the gallery to watch a surgery.

"One day you're going to be down there saving someone's life." Meredith said to her. "But then again, maybe you'll want to break away and become something else. That's okay too."

"There you are." Meredith turned around and saw Derek. She didn't say anything back to him and turned back around to watch the surgery. "Meredith, I hate how we're having this silent fight. I'm sorry about the magazine. I really should had given you some credit because I wouldn't had been able to do it without you. But you also need to also understand you're still young and have a lot to learn."

"Yeah, Derek, I hear you. I'll just always be seen as that young intern who slept with the attending."

"I can't believe you still see yourself as that."

"Well you do. That's why you didn't give me credit, right? I'm a quote and quote baby."

"Okay, I shouldn't had called you a baby."

Meredith stood up and put a fake smile on her face. "No, it's okay. You just go enjoy all the glory and limelight. You definitely deserve it."

Meredith sat in her bed with Christina drinking a glass of wine each. Recently Meredith found out her mother had a diary, well diaries, as in ten diaries. She let Christina read questionable ones, as in ones that talk about her relationship with the Chief.

"Your mom is such a sex machine." Christina said. "Like on this page, apparently she and Weber-"

Meredith stopped her from going on. "I don't want to hear about her sex with Richard. That's why I'm letting you read it so you can tell me the clean version of it."

She laughed. "There's no clean version to this."

"Then I'm happy not knowing. Not knowing is probably better."

"I just can't believe Ellis Grey is so descriptive. This is better than porn."

"Christina!" Meredith exclaimed. "I said no more."

"Should I be leaving soon? When is Derek coming home?"

"He's probably sleeping at the trailer tonight, or you know, getting mobbed by a bear. But I'm too upset to care."

"You know he probably didn't mean to not give you credit. He was probably too excited to tell the magazine about the trial that it simply slipped his mind."

"Are you on his side now?" Meredith asked. "Stop making excuses for him."

"No, I just don't want you to be a single mom because of something stupid like this."

"Yeah, well thanks for looking out for me, but it's just a fight. I think I'm allowed to be upset over this. I worked so hard on the trial."

"I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna do." Christina put the diary down. "You're gonna go to the trailer, forgive him, and then have make up sex."


"Go. I'll stay and watch Ellis; even drop her off at daycare tomorrow." Christina pointed to the door. "Go on, go."

Meredith sighed. "Okay."

When Meredith got up to Derek's land, she saw him sitting outside drinking a beer. She got out of her car and walked over to him.

"Meredith, what are you doing here?"

"You didn't come home tonight."

"Didn't think you wanted me home." Derek replied.

"I'm sorry for being mad at you." Meredith said. "It just pissed me off that I wasn't mentioned once for helping you or bringing the trial to your attention. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't had done it or maybe even known about it."

Derek stood up and walked closer to her. "I know."

"I'm going to try my best at not being upset, but it's going to be hard." Derek pulled Meredith close to him and kissed her. "Christina is watching Ellis so we can have make up sex."

Derek smiled. "Remind me to thank Christina tomorrow."

"Just come on before I change my mind."

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