Chapter 2

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I watched in complete horror as One of Silas's six tentacles came towards my chest. I trusted him, right? I loved him.

But as he wriggled his way through the gash he had made, tearing open my chest and ripping my rib cage, I screamed and fell to my knees.

Excruciating pain took over my pale, almost lifelessly limp body. I looked up into his eyes, which were dripping pure tears as he made a small incision in my heart.

I tried to tell him not to cry through the hot pain spreading through my body. But as soon as a tiny sound escaped my narrowly parted lips, my wide, terrified eyes came to a close and I blacked out.


He knew it'd kill him to hurt her like that. He should of said something to stop her. He really should have.

Tears escaped his eyes again as he scrubbed her warm, sticky blood off the floor. She was ok, mended now, but he gurgling scream still echoed in his mind. The sound of he rips cracking, her spine crackling into many tiny pieces. Her eyes as she stared up into his, her lips slightly parted.

Her limp, almost lifeless body as he carried her to the room to mend her up.

He threw the bloody rag into the trash can and sunk to the ground onto his knees. He put his head in his hands and cried. He always did this after a kill. But tonight was different.

He had ripped open his loves skin and put a bit of his soul into hers. Soon, they'd spend eternity together...


I woke up screaming, my body hot and in pain. Silas was next to our bedside with a bucket and a cold rag that he put in my forehead.

"How do you feel?" he asked, smiling as he dabbed my sweaty forehead with the freezing water.

I groaned as I tried to sit up. Silas pushed me back down and I pouted.

"I want soup."

Silas started laughing hysterically. I looked at him, in complete awe at the beauty of his laughing and puzzlement at why he was laughing.

"Why are you...?" I got out groggily, puzzled.

"You're a 'Slender Man' now. You only eat innocent souls," he managed to get out between laughs.

"Oh... I want souls," I said, pouting.

Silas stroked my forehead and dabbed my head with cold water again.

"You can't get out of bed yet. You have a high fever... You'd pass out from over exertion if you even sat up in bed. Please rest now and I'll get you some human food to pass you over, like I do when I'm sick," he said as he left the freezing rag in my head and got up to get me some food.

I looked out the window that was across our room. The sky was black and churning, as if the world knew that another deadly demon had entered the world to kill more. I shuddered at the thought, but then smiled sadistically as I realized I'd never have to part with Silas.

I closed my eyes as the pain of fever set in. I ached and shivered and sweated all at the same time. It was hard to breathe with the tightness in my chest. What had happened?

I got a flashback of Silas's tentacle ripping open my chest and shivered. The pain. The blood. His tears.

It was all overwhelming.

Silas came back into the room with a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup and crackers with a jug of ice water. He sat down next to me and started to blow on the soup to cool it down.

"Silas, you don't have to baby me," I said with a hoarse voice.

He kept blowing and gave me that little hair flip that says he's about to get a bit badass.

"I do, because you're MY baby and I have to baby MY baby. Either way, you're screwed, alright?" he laughed, taking up the spoon and shoving hot chicken broth into my mouth. I pouted some more, but took it in.

"What's got you in a pissy mood today, Lace?" he said, shoving another spoonful of soup in my mouth.

When I got the spoon out of my mouth, I thought of what to say. "I can't stop thinking about your tears," I said sweetly, and it was true. It upset me deeply to see him cry.

"Don't worry, baby," he said, pushing my bangs back as he felt my burning hot head and gave me a sip of the icy water he had on my bedside. "I'll be fine. But you... Have a fever and you need rest. Now, sleep," he commanded as he turned out the light. I drug him into bed next to me and he hugged me.

"Good night, my love," he said, hugging me tight as a lightning bolt streaked across the sky and loud thunder crashed.

Love Notes: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now