CRAZYCOOKIECAT'S OPINIONS | Sanders Asides - 1/8/2021

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Okay, okay - lemme point out a few things.

1. The orange eyes. Obviously, this is hinting towards an orange side.
In the past I have stated that my theory is that the orange side is rage, named deimos and being represented by a tiger. I think that the rage part may be right, since the orange eyes came up first when Logan has angry, or showing rage.
2. Janus saying "Everything is fine" or something along those lines. I'm pretty sure that was a lie, so yes, things are going downhill - and maybe his opinion on the orange side isn't too positive, but I'm not sure. Also, nice reference with the apple to the story of Adam and Eve (from Christianity).
3. Nico. That's it. That's all I have to say.

Thanks, and C' out!
- C'

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