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"Oh~? Interesting!" You giggled your usual adorable laugh, clapping your hands together twice as you looked down at the now battered boys who lie at your feet.

"Aw, don't give up now! Keep trying, keep trying~" You smiled mockingly at the last boy standing, enjoying the frightened look in his shaking, glassy eyes.

Lucky for him, he wouldn't have to face you that day, as fate had other plans in store for you.

"(Nickname)! We're leaving!" You immediately perked up at that, your entire disposition changing, as well.

"Coming!" You chirped back over your shoulder before meeting the last fella's eyes with your now much less threatening gaze.

"Let's not heartlessly toy with animals again, yeah~?" You tilted your head with a close-eyed smile.

"*Gulp* Y-Yes, ma'am!" The boy shakily nodded. He honestly couldn't have agreed to your condition fast enough, which greatly pleased you.

"Excellent! Well then, do take care now!" You waved him off before speed walking to catch up with your much quicker pals.


"What took you so long, (Nickname)?" Mikey pouted, and you couldn't help but internally adore how adorable he looked when he did that. "Invincible Mikey", please-

"Some scumbags were hurting a poor dog, so I intervened!" You lively explained, your upbeat demeanor and grin not matching your less than wholesome words.

"You get so carried away sometimes." Draken shook his head at you in mock disappointment, making you pout.

"Like you're one to talk! You once beat up a guy just because he glanced at me-"

"He was looking at you disrespectfully." He was quick to counter. You only snickered at this before finally addressing the elephant in the room.

"So... where we headin'?" You bobbed your head from side to side as the three of you walked.

"An unexpected commotion was reported; we suspect the cause to be underground fights." Your lips curved downwards in disapproval.

"Oh. I see. Dang, confrontation and conflict just suck!" You whined, causing Mikey to laugh and Draken to shake his head at you once more. You really were just built different.


The situation you walked in on was... less than ideal, in your opinion. A tall and muscular teenager whose face you vaguely recognized was beating on a poor boy with bleached blond hair. However, before you could speak up about the whole ordeal, Draken beat you to it.

"Oi, Kiyomasa."

"Hah?" The aggressor snapped, a snarl now elegantly gracing his face.

"You've drawn quite the crowd. You sure are worked up, ain'tcha? Even though you're the host." When Kiyomasa's eyes met Draken's, a distressed look of recognition washed over the former's face. Oh, I really fucked up now.

"A blond braid. And a dragon tattoo on his temple..."

"No fucking way?!"

"That's the vice-president of the Tokyo Manji Gang!! Ryuuguuji Ken. Also known as 'Draken'!"

Draken's threatening presence blocked yours and Mikey's, making you pout at the dramatic neglect. It's like I'm invisible!! Granted, you were unlawfully shorter than the mountain of a middle schooler, but still!

"Hey hey? Kenchin?" Mikey piped up, causing a red irk mark to manifest on the aforementioned boy's forehead.

"Hah?! Don't call me by that nickname, Mikey." Draken clicked his tongue in distaste. He had a reputation to uphold, dammit!!

LIFE WILL CHANGE (Various!Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now