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"Are you ready?" You looked to see Sumire tying her hair up into that high ponytail you've become so accustomed to. You nodded eagerly, leaping up to her. You were both preparing to perform, so you needed to look your very best!

"You betcha!" She chuckled at your excitement before gesturing for you to turn around so she could prepare your hair, as well. You tried to keep as still as possible until she was done, but you were just so darn excited!!

"'Mire, are you done yet?" While amused, she chided your impatient comment. You pouted and huffed, crossing your arms and scrunching up your shoulders. Of course, your dear sister took note of this.

"If you keep making that face, it'll stay that way forever." Sumire suddenly, albeit gently, poked at your cheek, causing you to squeak in surprise.

"'Miiireee!" You whined, like the true baby of the family you were. She snickered before showing you your reflection through a handheld mirror. You threw a wink to the object.

"Woah, who's that cutie?" You wiggled your eyebrows at yourself in the mirror, laughing wholeheartedly when Sumire put the mirror down in an effort to stop enabling your childish antics. Well... of course they would be childish... you were a child, after all.

"Alright, that's enough egocentric behavior for one night." She fastened a bow in your hair. A red one, to be exact; she had already placed a matching one in her own as part of her routine before the show. You quickly attached it to your hair, giving yourself one last look-over in the mirror.

"Shall we?" Sumire, as poised as a princess, looked over to you, and your eyes glimmered with admiration. You nodded enthusiastically before running up to stand beside your sister.

"We shall!" You chirped happily, and your beloved sister smiled down at you, only feeling pride for you, her equally dear younger sibling.

"Remember not to rush." She said in her typical polished fashion, and your jaw dropped at the slander. You huffed indignantly, not appreciating being defamed in such a manner.

"Meanie face." Your sister snickered at your eloquent insult.


"Another splendid performance by our very own Yoshizawa siblings. Please, give them a round of applause!" You beamed on the stage as the crowd just ate it up. You waved to your "admirers," adoring all of the attention. You lived for the applause, after all.

You and Sumire had just finished dancing one of the most complex choreographies you had ever been assigned. (It was in the ballet style, which was your personal favorite!) It would seem that Miss Baranovskaya was trying to up your and your sister's repertoires of skills... and you and your sister came through, like always.

"Now, we'll introduce the next act! Despite his short stature, this young man is nothing to scoff at! He's accomplished in the dancing field as well as the ice skating..." You tuned the announcer out as you happily skipped back to the dressing room with your sister by your side.

Suddenly, you stopped in your tracks as you saw two figures waiting outside of the door to the room. You furrowed your brows and opened your mouth to ask what they were doing in such a place, but your sister beat you to it. Always a bit faster than you, she was.

"Hello! Are you girls looking for someone?" She piped up, staying a fair distance away from the girls so as to appear less imposing. They gasped, their jaws dropping as they looked at the two of you.

LIFE WILL CHANGE (Various!Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz