chapter 1- torture

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"Why?" Asked Naruto as he continued to run away from the hate driven villagers. "Why me? What did I ever do to you?" Cried a 4 year old naruto. "YOU DARE ASK WHAT YOU'VE DEMON??" Naruto continued running and made a step to the left then powering off to the right, causing most of the mob to fall over. Naruto couldn't help but chuckle. He kept running until he found an alley way. But once he entered he realised it was a dead end.
(Quick side note obito gave kakashi both of his eyes and Kakashi didn't lose his)
"Finally we have you cornered DEMON BRAT"
"Please don't hurt me I'll do what ever you want just please!" Begged Naruto. The villagers looked at each other than nodded.
"OK then we want you," said you villagers menacingly " TO DIE."
(Author POV)
Some genin and chunin in the mob though kunais at Naruto's limbs, pinning him the the wall. He screamed out in pain, to the pleasure of the mob. A chef in the crowd (just cuz) had some salt in one of his pockets. He offered to stab "the demon brat" in the stomach, then rub salt and alcohol on it to make burn and sting. So thats what they did. Naruto screamed in pain again as tears began to flow freely down his face. This scream ,however, did not please the mob. Matter of fact they were taken aback. This was not the scream of a demon reincarnated. This was a little boys scream. A genin in the mob quickly said "It's the kyubi trying to trick us." And the rest were quick to agree and continued their torture to the boy. Naruto was fighting unconsciousness until he heard a faint "fire style: great fireball jutsu." Naruto then stopped and just sat there accepting his fate

(Weasel POV)
After burning the ninjas and villagers to a crisp, I went to check up on naruto. Seeing him in this state disgusted him. The villagers really were blind. If you couldn't tell he was the fourth's son you truly are blind. They have the same golden hair and ocean blue eyes. No one else in the village has that so it should be quite obvious "I'm sorry for not getting here sooner naruto." Whispered weasel, then body-flickered himself and naruto to a hospital.

(Flash back)

"Yes lord third?" Asked weasel
"Weasel I would like you to watch over naruto. He WILL be getting bullied and tortured so I'm putting you on this A-Rank long term mission just report to me about it everyday at 23:00 am I clear weasel?"
"Yes lord hokage"

Flash back end- another side note- forgot to take the text out of bold so ehh it'll be normal now

Author POV

Naruto woke up slowly, his eyes adjusting to the sudden burdt of light.
"I-Is this h-heaven?" Wondered Naruto.

"Naruto you're awake!" Yelled hiruzen.
"Old man?" Croaked Naruto
Naruto immediately started to tear up as the memories from the previous day came rushing to him.
"Naruto, what's wrong?"Asked Hiruzen
"Why" Asked Naruto "Why me?" He asked again as tears began to flow freely down his face. Hiruzen didn't even have to ask what he was talking about.
"Why do they call me demon, kyubi brat , nine tails reincarnated?" Cried Naruto "tell me old man PLEASE" Begged Naruto.
Hiruzen sighed knowing this day would come, just no so soon.
"Naruto i didn't want to tell you this so early in your life, but you," Hiruzen started "You are the jinchuuriki of the nine tailed demon fox." Hiruzen said sadly.
"What's a jinchuuriki?" Asked naruto
"A jinchuuriki is a person who has a tailed beast sealed within them, you have the 9 tails inside of you." Hiruzen answered.
"But lord forth k-"
Naruto was cut short when he heard a series of quick and powerful knocks on the door.
"Come in" said Hiruzen
Some Anbu with a dog mask covering his whole face scanned the room and saw Naruto lying in a hospital bed, bandaged from head to toe

" Naruto!" Dog Yelled "What happened ?" He asked, impatiently awaiting an answer.
Naruto then fills in Dog on what happend the previous day.
"Lord third I want to adopt him someone his age does not deserve to beat and bullied the way he does.
"W-What?" Asked Naruto completely flabbergasted by what he just heard.
"You're just gonna hurt me like everyone else does." Said naruto who was still surprised.
"I would never! You are my sensei's son so I will see you as my own." Dog stated.
"You realise you will have to quit anbu to take care of him full time... Kakashi."
Hiruzen said.
"Fine by me. I didn't like brutally murdering people much anyway. Kakashi said.
"OK then meet me at my office in an hour to sign the papers then tomorrow he's all your's." Hiruzen said making Naruto and Kakashi want to jump with joy.

That's the first chapter done! Tell me, how was it?

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