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"WHAT?!" i yelled, tears rolling down from my eyes uncontrollably. curving under my chin and falling onto my lap

"the decision is Final you are marrying him, wether you like it or not!" my mother yelled back at me

my fists clench onto my white satin dress 'how could this happen to me? what did i do to deserve this?!?' i'm balling my eyes out by now, i wipe my tears but to no avail as more make their way down onto my dress

"quit your crying, you look hideous. We want you to look pretty for your new husband" my mother said walking towards me with her her floor length black dress. Grabbing her hanker-chief and wiping my tears from my face

"I'm going to take you to your room so you can get a nights worth of sleep, can't be looking tired" she said distastefully. Turning her back on me

I would slump in my chair but my mother would just get more angry with me, i stood up and walked with her to my room

"i'll get you, your maids so they can get you prepared to sleep, your meeting your husband tomorrow" she smiled

i couldn't handle it i just started bawling my eyes out

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Hey! so this is the prologue in future tense, i honestly don't know what i'm doing, i'm just writing because of how bored i am. but this will be in the King/Queen era so please enjoy!

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