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Hello everyone! I don't know if there's still people reading or following this story but I really let go writing on here and forgot how much I loved doing so. Here's a little update I'm planning on hopefully doing a couple more chapters so let me know what you all think :)
Enjoy, V

Ellen was sound asleep anytime she had a couple glasses of wine she slept like a baby. Patrick admired her natural beauty he loved everything about her. There was something special about Ellen to him a special spark no one he met had. Ever since he saw her for the first time he was amazed about they way she carried herself she did everything so perfectly without effort. Sure he had been in love plenty of times but this was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. When he was on screen with her it was like it was real those kisses the looks everything. He always loved her maybe not as a partner at the beginning but as person he was absolutely in awe.
Patrick made his way downstairs fed the dogs and then proceeded to make breakfast for his special girl. He made her some toast, her coffee and cut up some fruit for her of course he couldn't forget the special touch, a flower.
"Where the hell am I going to get a flower?" He thought? He looked over to the neighbors front lawn and saw some beautiful flowers. He snuck his way over and cut a few hoping they didn't see him and that Ellen hadn't yet woken up.
"Morning Neighbor!" yelled the lady who's house he was stealing flowers from
"Morning! I- uh I was admiring your beautiful flowers m'am. How do you get such big flowers?" He said nervously
"My mom taught me to make my own fertilizer take what you need! Ellen is going to love them!"
"They're not for Ellen!" He said letting out a nervous chuckle
"Sure, right! You're picking flowers for yourself then?" She laughed
"Yup exactly!"
"Well tell her Annie says to stop and visit soon she's always saying she's going to come by and never does anymore must be that busy schedule!" She said
"Will do Annie thank you!" He replied leaving happily with a handful of flowers
Patrick made his way back over to the house and put the flowers in the vase and made his way upstairs to wake up his sleeping beauty.
He decided to wake her with kisses all over her cheeks and forehead.
"Morning darling" he said quietly
"Morning Paddy" she said groggy but happy to see his face and lips so close to her
"I made you some breakfast" he said bringing the tray over to the bed
"You shouldn't have! This is so sweet and these flowers, they look so beautiful where did you get them?" She asked
"Oh you know a local grower" he said grinning
"These are from Annie's huh?" She said laughing
"How'd you know?"
"They're beautiful and big these couldn't have came from a flower shop"
"She said she wants you over soon too"
"I've been meaning to go over it's just that I've been filming so much there's no way I can make it by the time I get back home it's usually later than expected. Annie is amazing she's such a sweet lady I used to be weary of neighbors. Scared that I'd say too much or do something wrong that might have repercussions but I can trust her with anything she's really been a shoulder I can lean on when everything's gone to shit"
"I've never seen her before but she is so sweet El"
"She really is and this whole breakfast is beautiful"
"Just like you my love" he said leaning in for a kiss
"Okay Paddy enough you're going to make me want something else for breakfast" she laughed
"Your wish is my command" he replied putting the tray on the bedside table and jumping back into bed.
"You're so beautiful El I love every piece of you"
"You're perfect Paddy I love you"
"I love you more"

"We really should get out of bed" she said
"Oh come on it's only 12pm"
"Patrick I've been awake since 10am"
"What's another hour?"
"Alright Alright but no more sex you're going to get me pregnant by the time we get out of bed"
"Is that such a bad idea?" He replied
"I mean granted that we both nearly got fired from the show I wouldn't want to risk it" she giggled
"You're right but I'm getting you pregnant soon Pompeo"
"Yeah yeah" she laughed getting out of bed going into her closet to change into her clothes for the day
"You know we really do have to seriously talk" she continued
"We do?"
"Yeah I think it's necessary it's nothing bad" she said peaking her head out of her closet giving him a reassuring smile
"Alright what do you want to talk about El?" He said smiling back
"Just about us and how we should continue on from here. I mean there's really nothing except the show stopping but they already fired you they can't really do the same to me unless they want to end the show which honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea"
"I don't think they're going to be too extreme I mean you're right they already fired me there's really nothing that's stopping us from becoming official" he said putting up air-quotes "Hopefully it's not extreme but if it has to come to that then so be it I just want to be with you" he continued
"Where do you want to go from here? I don't know if we should go public with everything especially if there's a chance we might go our own ways with you in Italy and me here" she said worried
"El I really do think we can make this work and I don't just mean with the Italy and distance stuff I mean in the long run and I know we both just got out of prior commitments but I really cannot see myself being happy without you. I figured Italy can wait what we have is too good to leave especially right now"
"You know you don't have to do that I love you more than anything but I know that racing is your favorite passion Paddy I would never want you to give something you love up for me" she said
"I know that El but you and I have been through so much these last few months that I don't want to be without you anymore. I think I want to go public" he said smiling
"Oh really?" She said with the biggest smile on her face
"Really" he laughed

"Okay how should we do this" she said pouring her and Patrick a margarita.
"Well you run a lime through the rim of the glass and dip the rim in the salt and th-"
"No smartass, I mean the entire going public thing like how should we go out?"
"I think we should have fun with it" he said grinning
"What do you mean? I don't understand"
"I mean let's just mess with the media a little bit do our normal stuff we do and let everyone find out that way
"I like that idea! I'm all for it"
"Alright we can do it tonight maybe we can go to dinner what do you say?"
"I'm all for it as long as I'm with you I feel like a weight is finally going to lift off our shoulders"
"We can finally be happy without any worries of anyone catching us or being secretive"
"We don't have to stay in and order takeout anymore I'm so happy"
"Hey now I'm all for staying inside"
"Of course you are" she grinned

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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