Figuring it out

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   I am now 3 years old. I am very smart for my age. I already know how to write and stuff. I asked my dad for a journal so I can write everything I remember about the show down.

   I met Elena, Caroline, Matt, and Tyler already. Me and Tyler get along great. I'm closer with Caroline than Elena. Elena whines a lot just to get what she wants and it annoys me how Matt does anything to make her happy.

  I just got to get threw the boring stuff before all the cool stuff happens. 

  I started working on my magic. Well not working on it since I dont have any yet. I mean learning about it. My dad took me on a trip with him to Chicago where I met a witch named Gloria. I remember her. She was the witch bitch that tried to kill Stefan. But I had to put that aside to get her to help me. I asked her to teach me things about magic even thought I knew a good amount I didnt know everything. She told me all the different herbs and how they are used. That all came to an end when we had to leave which kinda sucked honestly.

5 years old

   Abby left meaning Mikeal came to town. I already knew where he was buried. Besides that nothing interesting has happened.

15 years old

   So far life has been so boring. Beside the fact that I got my magic. I'm 15 meaning everything will start in 2 years. Meaning I got to get through these 2 years without wanting to tear my own head off. Me and Caroline have gotten closer. I think I will tell her about the supernatural the school year before Elena's parents deaths. I want her to be prepared for what the world will through at her.

  I need to get ready. I need to prepare myself and my magic for everything that is going to happen. I wont be like cannon Bonnie and be the town witch. I won't let everybody step on me and tell me what to. I refuse to put my life down so Elena can live. I will be my own person, except if the Michealsons ask me to do something. If they ask me to do anything I would. I mean have you seen them that whole family is attractive. Beside Finn, Esther, and Mikeal.


How is it so far??

Well here is chapter 2
This is hard if you write stories a lot you are awesome I don't think I can do this but I will try.

Ok so I'm am going to do the typical y/n thing and add something to her





Scarlett witch (idk what her power is called)



I will have another love interest poll later on

Bye everyone!!!!🤗

REBORN AS BONNIE BENNETWhere stories live. Discover now