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A/N I just wanted my readers to know if they didn't p.o.v means point of view a characters point of view.

"Help Help somebody.....my sister," Mary Kate shreiked letting only a few tears leave her beautiful sea green eyes. Her short curly brown hair now sticking to her damp cheeks."What is it Miss Mary," Annabelle looked concerned. "What's wrong with Miss Brooke is she okay." "I....I don't know she was going on and on about who knows what and then she collapsed.
"Hurry get her inside while I tell Mrs. Falkirk to get a doctor." "Hello.....Hello Mrs.Falkirk are you in here. You......your daughter I'm afraid she's come down with something ,Mrs.Falkirk? "I'm in here." "Did you hear me Mrs.Falkirk your daughter has come down with something." "Ill handle it, now go cook dinner."

*knock knock*
"Good evening Mrs.Falkirk." "Why good evening to you to Mrs.Green." "Please call me Dr.Green, now what can I do for you."
"My daughter she's come down with something, and I don't think this is good at all to make her collapse in the garden like that." " Mame calm down let me see her to make sure its nothing too serious." "O...oh that fine." "This is Brooke's room."
"Thank you um...Mrs.Falkirk."

Dr.Green P.O.V
Not a minute after I stepped into the young girls room I could sense something. Something familiar and unpleasant, it was the smell of death. This girl wasn't normal at all neither was she going to live if her health kept heading in this direction. Her I eyes shot open once I made contact with the bed. "Wh....who are you," Brooke struggled getting the few words out of her mouth ",and what are you doing in my room." "I'm Dr.Green , your mother tells me you've come down with something I'm just here to check you out." "Can you stick your tounge out and say ahhh." "uhh." Brooke slide to the edge of the bed farthest away from Dr.Green.
Brooke was very hesitant at first but then gave up on the silent treatment act after what seems like century of awkward quietness. Probably from having me stare at her trying to anylize every move she made. I could feel there was something about her. My witch powers sense it on her besides the constant smell of death and sorrow. I wonder what could've happened to her for this much pain to be radiating off one person. I was determine to find out what she was. But I couldn't afford a slip up and have somebody find out what I am and who I am. "Good night Brooke," Dr.Green said slowly blinking each eye and grinning ever so lightly. Soon leaving the room and shutting the door behind her nearly slamming it which of course awakened Brooke. "Um hello is anybody awake." Not knowing what just happened; reaching for the door knob. "Ow, why is the door knob frozen shut." "Maybe if I-" The frozen door flew open slamming against the wall shattering to pieces covering the floor in sharp specks of petrified wood and ice.

Dr.Green secretly watching from a distance then deciding to leave. "Just what I suspected." "Leaving so sudden Mrs.Green." "Please, call me Dr.Green."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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