First Date.

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"I have nothing to wear!" I yell to myself as I dig through my closet.

This is it, I have no clothes, I can't go, I'll have to go naked.

I thought this would be easier.

It's not.

Come on Athena, get it together, put on a dress, get ready, go on a date.

You can do this.


After that pep talk, I grab my favorite dress. A white number, that near the bottom turns black, and looks like black splattered paint.

Lacy and I got it when we went on a week long trip to New York. For shoes I picked out a pair of black suede booties, with gold zippers down the sides.

This is the only pair of heels I can actually walk in. Not only am I about 5 foot, but with heels, I am still extremely short.

As the time got closer and closer to seven I got more and more confident in my looks, but more nervous for the date.

My long hair was curled in loose waves, and my makeup was done in a nude look with some winged eyeliner.

About a half an hour before Paul was to be here, I started getting dressed. Starting with my dress, my shoes, and a spritz of perfume.

All these steps are leading up to this point in time.

Exactly seven o'clock.

Exactly the point in time where on the outside of my front door knocking, stood Paul.

Exactly the point in time where on the inside of the door, I stood contemplating if I should answer or not.

Before I could over think it, I grabbed the door knob, and pulled the door open, clearly startling Paul a bit, making his eyes wide.

"Hi." I said breathlessly.

What is my problem? I can't talk normal around him. I planned on acting like a brat the whole night, but instead, I whispered oh so slightly, just at the sight of him.

"Wow." he simply replies, at first I think it's because of my appearance, but when he continues his sentence I see the reasoning for the 'wow', "You're actually coming?"

"Was I not supposed to?" I ask, with a clear blush making its way up my neck, and to my cheeks.

"No, you are." he says chuckling. "Lets go." he says, reaching over and grabbing my hand, to pull me towards his car.

Paul has no shame, he had no problem grabbing my hand.

I could never do that.

He led me to his car, and pulled open the passenger door for me, and waited for me to climb in before shutting it behind me.

He jogs around to the drivers seat, and climbs in.


He doesn't say anything.

The entire time.

Just sits and drives.

At this point we are in the next town, and I have no clue where we are going.

He looks nice enough for a fancy dinner, but in this town? I can't think of any.

Paul actually looks amazing, I tried to play it off when I first saw him, but the more I stare over at him I notice how good he actually looks.

He has khaki skinny jeans with a white button down, tucked in, and on his feet, he has a pair of dark blue Vans.

You can tell that he put his outfit together carelessly, but looks great anyway. I look like I tired to hard.

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