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(Author's Note: The Image attached to this chapter is NOT with Athena looks like, the image is only there to show how her hair now looks, ignore the model in the photo, the hair is the only important thing here.)

"There, it's done." Danny says from behind me as he tosses my hair a bit.

"I can't believe you just did that." I say with no emotion in my voice.

"I can't believe you let me do that." he giggles as I hear the scissors connect with the table behind me, signifying he threw them back where he found them.

"I'm scared to look." I say turning towards him, careful not to look in a mirror.

"It's not bad Athena. Trust me." Danny replies as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Just look at it." he says pointing to the mirror behind me, then looking down at his phone.

As I squeeze my eyes shut, I turn on my heels and face the mirror, before I even open my eyes, the door flies open, and immediately, Paul's voice is heard.

"Athena!" he shouts as he enters the room, my eyes burst open in surprise, and when out eyes meet, his face immediately brightens and a smile spreads across his face. "You cut your hair." he says taking a few steps closer to me.

"No! I didn't!" I correct him, "Danny did." I say turning and giving him a dirty look, his look in reply is a goofy smile.

"You weren't really supposed to do it!" Paul says laughing.

"She told me to!"Danny defends.

"Wow! Yup we cut my hair. I'm gonna go now!" I say sarcastic and annoyed, then push past Paul and exit the room.

I slow down before I go down the steps, surprised that neither of them are following me.

Continuing down the steps, I am able to see the whole party, which is bigger now, than it was before.

At the bottom step, I look around the room, searching for any one that I might know.

The only downside of being the quote on quote 'quite girl' is that you don't know many people. While my peers spent the last four years of their lives making new friends, going to parties, and dating, I stayed home keeping up my 4.0 GPA.

In the corner of the room I spot Lacy, talking with a group of people I had never seen before.

Taking a deep breath, I begin making my way towards her through the crowd.

"Hey babe, what's your name?" I hear from next to me as I get lost in the crowd. I look up and am faced with a drunk Junior who I had seen only a few times before.

The guy, in one movement, pulls me close to him, so my chest is pressed against his, he places his mouth next to my ear and starts whispering, "Are you here alone tonight?"

Old Athena would be on the verge of tears at this point, but new Athena is different. "No, my boyfriend is here." I lie back into his ear.

"I don't see him anywhere." the boy, still pushed against me points out.

"You might know him." I say slyly. "Paul Zimmer." I whisper.

immediately the boy drops his hands from my waist and leans away from my body.

"Sorry." he says with fear in his eyes.

I turn on my heels away from the guy, and look back towards the steps, contemplating if I should go back up to Paul and Danny and get a ride home. But when I look, my eyes are met with Paul's and he gives me a slight smile.

I don't look away. Or try to leave. Or go towards Lacy. Instead I do something old Athena would never do, and I begin to walk back towards him.

He stays completely still, I think from shock that I'm walking towards him. I end my journey standing right in front of him, with about five inches between our faces. I have to look up to him, even in these heels, but when I look back into his eyes, he is already staring into mine.

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