Do Not Cry: Spider Bookmark

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

The vision in her eyes was blurry. Tears were threatening to flow. "No, I can't let this happen. No" Rose Granger-Weasley said to herself. She had a rare allergy. She was allergic to tears... to her own tears. There was no medicine for that.

"Detention Malfoy," said Professor Neville. Scorpius Malfoy, the son and only heir of Draco Malfoy. He never knew why everyone gave special treatment to Rose. "It was just a small prank. The Potters do it. Why do I get Detention all the time I say something to Rose??!" he complained to Zabini. "Mate, ignore them. They just think they are superiors. Let's go. " Replied Zabini. Zach Zabini was Scorpius Malfoy's best friend. They both grew together. While Scorpius respected the Potters and the Weasleys, Zabini always kept his distance. He thought they were overrated.

Rose said herself not to cry, but she couldn't. Scorpius had gifted a Spider bookmark. At first, Rose had thought that Scorpius was kind and wanted to apologize for the stupid pranks he had done in the past. But after opening the present, she came to know that it was also a prank... a stupid prank. Everyone knows that she is scared of Spiders.

"Open your eyes, dear. Don't close it. Look up! Think something positive... a happy memory" said Madam Pomfrey. Rose felt heartbroken. She never enjoyed anything much. She was always in a Euthymic mood. "I am trying," said Rose, calming down. "Oh dear, remain here for the rest of the day." "Oh no, I am fine." "No way, you have to take rest. Here, eat chocolate." "Thanks, Madam Pomfrey, but I am fine. Look at me, look at my face, I am fine" Rose said, showing her face to her, trying to convince. "No dear, I am not letting you go." Madam Pomfrey said and left. Rose sighed.

Scorpius is pacing in his dorm. He felt bad for her but at the same time; he felt that it was no big deal. There was a sinking feeling in the bottom of the stomach. He directly fell asleep after detention, thinking it was a big day.

A/N: If you like this, please write a review. It would motivate me to write more. You can also correct me if I am wrong somewhere. 

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