Do Not Cry: The First Date

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Later that day, Scorpius went to the library and he saw Rose. He felt shy. He didn't know where that came from. He was staring at her. He was admiring her. Her face glowing from the sunlight that escaped through the window. She looked beautiful, stunning, intoxicating and breathtaking all at once. He liked her. He loved how she looked. While staring at her, Rose looked towards where Scorpius was standing. He thought to hide, but before he could, Rose called him. So, Scorpius looking all bold and walked towards her.


"Hey, Scorpius. What are you doing here?"

"Why does one come to the library, obviously to read."

"Yeah right" smiling sheepishly.

"Scorpius, tomorrow is Hogsmeade. Did you ask someone to go with you?" Rose asked with a blush. That is when Scorpius knew that tomorrow was Hogsmeade. 

"No, What about you? Did someone ask you out?"

"Yes. Mclaggen asked me out." She then added "I rejected him" hurriedly.

Scorpius was relieved him when she said that. Rose saw the sudden change in his face. She felt excited. She was blushing furiously. Meanwhile, Scorpius was fighting with himself inside on what to say next. He then, told Rose that he has to go. Rose frowned.

Scorpius took few steps away from her, but then he turned and asked her "Doyouwanttogooutwithme?" Rose was startled.

After few seconds, processing his words, she asked, "Like a date?"

To that Scorpius replied shyly, "NO, Well, if you want to" They then waved to each other after discussing where they would meet for the date.

They both, later on, went to their respective beds with huge grins on their faces, looking forward to their date.

The next day arrived; Rose woke up and saw outside, it was awesome. She then realized that she had a date with Scorpius. Excited for the day, she went to choose her outfit for the day. Well, she wasn't the one who dresses to impress someone, not even for her. She thinks that clothes are used to cover ourselves. And she does it. But now, she understood why people dress up. It is to give a good vibe before your loved ones. So, she asked for help from Alice.

Alice Longbottom is Rose's best friend from childhood. She started dating James Potter during her 5th year. After starting to date him, Rose thought she became more confident in herself. And she was so happy for them.

"Finally, you're going on a date!" Alice said happily.

"I am so glad you asked me to help you for your first ever date. By the way, who is he? Who is that poor boy?" jokingly asked Alice. Rose chuckled and said that it was Scorpius.

"Scorpius?? What did I miss? Why didn't you tell me this?" asked Alice.

"Alice, you were very excited about snogging your boyfriend. I didn't want to disturb that. Also, Scorpius asked me out yesterday." Said Rose. Alice just squealed in joy.

"Fine, Fine... help to choose a dress for me".

"Wait and watch, Miss Rose, I will be turning you into a hot angel today. Scorpius is not going to close his mouth after seeing you," said Alice confidently.

"Ta-da" Rose looked at herself in a mirror and fell in love with herself

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"Ta-da" Rose looked at herself in a mirror and fell in love with herself.

"Wooow! Thank you so much Alice!" said Rose.

"My pleasure Ro" The dress was red. But it wasn't clashing with her bright red hair that was pulled up in a messy bun. It was perfect. Then Rose frowned looking down.

"What happened Ro? Are you feeling okay? If you feel this weird feel-" Rose cut off and said, "How am I going to walk in this?"

Alice at first didn't understand what she was saying and took few seconds to comprehend. And when she understood, she burst into laughter.

"Merlin Rose, you scared me! Well, for that, I put a spell that won't make you fall down."

"Oh, is there a spell like that? I never knew" said Rose quite surprised. "Well, I have a date with James, So I gotta go. Don't get too much nervous. Have fun. And tell all the details later." Alice winked and went. Rose sighed, getting a bit nervous.

As Rose was pacing in her dorm. Alice peeped in, and said," Scorpius is out there, waiting for you! He looks absolutely- No, No. I am not saying it. Go look for yourself." Alice then added," You look beautiful" Rose thanked her and went to meet Scorpius.

Outside, Scorpius was waiting for her. He was nervous too which something was totally new to him. Well, he was nervous at times. But not when it came to girls. When Rose stepped out of the portrait. Scorpius just stood there totally mesmerized. His jaw dropped. Rose thought he looked funny in that reaction he gave. She giggled.

"Hello, Scorpius!" greeted Rose. "Merlin, You're gorgeous"

"Um... Thanks. You too" Rose felt short of words. He was handsome. He was as perfect as some fictional character.

They both then went to Hogsmeade. On the way, they just stared at each other, talked about various stuff like Quidditch, Potions, Charms, NEWTS, SPEW etc. And yeah, mostly staring.

They didn't know how time flew so fast. It was time to get back. They both really enjoyed it.

"I really enjoyed today." Said Rose shyly.

"Me too"

Scorpius then left her outside the Gryffindor common room. They then went to bed feeling butterflies.


A/N: Hope you liked this.

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