Chapter 5: The Date: Part 2

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POV: Izzie

We are having a great time at the restaurant. The waiters are so nice and polite. It reminds me of the Minnesota attitude. It's so huge! There are two floors to this! We got seated at the top on the balcony, and it was beautiful with the sunset. There was nobody on our level, we had the top floor all to our selves.

"Here are the menus, your waiter will be back shortly." The waiter said to us.
We both sit down and open up our menus. Ethan looks up at me and smiles his adorable smile of his. He's wearing a blue and white plaid long sleeve dress shirt along with some khaki shorts and a black belt. He's shoes were basic black vans. He looked very nice, and I was glad we passed the fancy dress code. This place is a 5 star restaurant, and has chefs that are the best in the world.

"What are you thinking about ordering?" Ethan asks me.
"I'm thinking about the Baked Salmon. What about you?" I ask.
"I'm thinking about the Cajun Seafood Pasta," he responds.
"Hello, I'm Joshua and I'll be your waiter today. What would you two like today?" The waiter asks.
"Can I have the Cajun Seafood Pasta please?" Ethan says.
"And can I have the baked Salmon please?" I ask.
"Sure! We will be out with your food in a couple moments!" Our waiter says.

"So, How was your day?" Ethan asks.
"It was pretty good! I had fun with you and the boys," I say.
"I'm glad," Ethan says.
"Are you and Grayson going to move for college?" I ask.
"Yeah. We enrolled in a school on the west coast in California for college," Ethan says.
"Cool! Where are you going?" I ask.
"We're going to Berkley," He says.
"Really? Wow! Good job!" I say.
"Thanks, so what's your plan?" He says me.
"Oh, I've auditioned for a few ballet companies. There's one actually a couple miles away from Berkley! They really wanted me so I might be a couple miles away from you Grayson." I say.
"Maybe we can continue our relationship not long distance." Ethan says and chuckles with his deep voice. It was very attractive. That is definitely a turn on. I was definitely blushing hardcore.
"What are you going to college to major in?" I ask.
"I want to major in Film or something like that. So you want to be a ballerina?" He ask.
"Yep. Always have, always will. Ever since I was 5. I wanted to give up age 13, but then I got a solo at my studio. I felt like I was the best. Then I switched to a competitive studio. Then I auditioned this spring and early summer. I got into two in California. I decided to take the one closer to Berkley." I said. He looked like he was very interested when I was talking.
"Well you chose the right one I guess. When do you move out?" Ethan asks.
"I go back from Floria to MN and then pack and say goodbyes in one week, then I leave for California. My mom is coming out so she can find me a hotel for the first couple days and then we can find an apartment or condo for me to live in." I say.

Then the food comes out. We ate our food in mostly silence. Sometimes Ethan would slurp up a pasta noodle and we would both laugh. He got the messiest entrée on the whole menu. Hopefully he wanted it so he could be funny. Our conversation wasn't really funny today. It was more serious than any other time we've talked. I mean we are basically adults. Ethan is 18 and I'm 17 almost 18. We should be talking about more serious thing now.

As soon as we both finish eating, we get the bill. Ethan pays for it and we walk to the car. He goes the normal way to get to the house, but goes a couple blocks past. Now I see that he is taking me somewhere else (that he didn't tell me about). We're are heading close to the mall. Maybe we're going to the mall? But what's at the mall? Well there are shops but all are closed. A MOVIE! Wow Izzie, wow. That makes a lot of sense! Why didn't you think of this before???

We walk into the movie theater and Ethan asks for two tickets to Looking for Alaska. That was one of my favorite John Green books. It was really tear jerking. I like that Ethan wanted to go to this instead of ScaryMovie301. He doesn't seem like the basic boys that I'm so used to. He seems perfect yet imperfect. He is the ideal boyfriend I could ever ask for. Sometimes he can get a little too nice, or says too many compliments to me, but that's better than the opposite.

We go into the theater to see the movie, and it was amazing. Ethan put his arm around me, and was very romantic. I was crying so I was glad he brought a pack of tissues for me and him. It was on an emotional roller coaster for the whole movie. Which did make a lot of sense because I was the same when I was reading the book. I get so invested in every character and when something bad happens to somebody, I freak out, like a crazy person.

After the movie is over we drive home. It was a nice ride home jamming to some One Direction and Ellie Golding. As we got out of the car Ethan grabs me by my waist and walks into the house. When he grabbed me by my waist outside we started to make out a bit. We got into our room (still making out) and laid down on the bed. We had to break our kiss to get ready for bed. We got ready (which took forever because I had hairspray and a full face of makeup). We got into bed and cuddled until we fell asleep. And that was my amazing first date with my first love, Ethan Dolan.

Authors note:
Gosh you guys! Can't believe that you guys got me to 100 views in about a day!!!!! I'm so proud of you guys! Maybe can we get it to 150? Let's try. Like and comment if you enjoyed it! It would be cool if you wanted to share it too.... Anyways until next time - 😻

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