Chapter 18: Emma

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POV: Emma

Hi I'm Emma, or Em, I guess. A lot of people like to nickname me Em but it doesn't need to be shortened because my name is already 4 letters! As you can probably tell I have a bit of a temper you could say.... I'm trying to go to therapy for that, but that doesn't really work well for me. It just brings up hard feelings. I went back home to MN and asked my mom where Izzie went. She told me and then I got on a flight to California. She gave me where Izzie was living, at an eating disorder house. I basically stalked where Izzie was living so I could see who I could get really close to. I found out about this Ethan kid. When I heard about his twin I decided to date him. I found out what dorm room and everything that I needed to know about him. I went up to him at a party and we became really close, probably because of all of that alcohol. Then the next week he took me out on a proper date and It was really cute. He was really proud of himself for dating only me for a month.

I am Izzie's twin sister. Yeah you didn't know she had a twin, I know. I left home at the age of 10 to go and do something with my life. When I came back because none of the TV shows wanted me they sent me to boarding school. They didn't want me to be around Izzie because of the hair incident. It was fine, nobody got seriously hurt. Well I didn't cause Izzie to cause an eating disorder. That's our mom's fault.

Grayson wanted to surprise Izzie and make her life happier with her twin sister. Our parents told me that they told Izzie that I wasn't her sister, I was her Nanny for a while. And then when she would ask about the other little girl in the house I would be her best friend that moved away years ago because my parents had gotten a better paying job a couple states away in Ohio. Izzie totally believed every single word that was said. It was too funny. Years later my parents told her that she had a twin sister named Emma and they showed her pictures. When I went to go see my mom and find out where Izzie was living she thought that I was going to reconnect with Izzie and make her life easier, but boy was she wrong. I want to make her life a living hell! I mean that's what sisters do right?

Izzie's face was priceless when I walked into the apartment. I introduce myself in the doorway, and walk over to the extra chair next to Grayson.

"So glad you could make it babe!" Grayson says and kisses me on the cheek. 

"No problem, I thought that I would like to see my twin again," I say. Izzie looks so out of it when I look at her, she is just starring out the window, maybe looking into the past or something I have no idea. 

"So your name is Emma?" Ethan asks me. 

"Yes, I just said that in the door way 20 seconds ago," I say a bit annoyed. 

"Do you want to say something to your sister?" Ethan and Grayson say at the same time. 

"Nice to see you again," Izzie finally speaks. 

"You too," I say. Izzie still looks out of it, but she did snap back into reality. 

"So have you already eaten or do you want some food?" Ethan asks me. 

"No I'm fine please don't make more food or heat up stuff for me, I'm fine," I say.

"Are you sure, It's totally fine I don't want you to end up like I was in a eating disorder home," Izzie says to me with the biggest eyes, that bring me back to the little years we played together.  



"No Emma It's fine It's part of the hair treatment!" Izzie says and keeps pulling my hair while massaging my scalp.

"NO IZZIE IT HURTS A LOT PLEASE STOP!!" I yell and pull away from Izzie but she just pulls harder.

"Seriously Emma Momma wouldn't like it if you cut your hair now would she?" Izzie asked me.

"No Mommy wouldn't like it if I told her that you hurt me and cut my long beautiful hair," I snap back at her.

"But Momma listens to me because she thinks that you are just imagining everything," Izzie says and laughs.

"Fine," I say and let her keep on doing this for the next twenty minutes until Mommy came home, but Izzie stopped about a minute before Mommy walked in the door. 

Wait, was it the other way around? I don't know but something like that happened between us, but it could of been me pulling Izzie's hair, I'm not sure. I have the worst memory. 


"Emma! Emma! Emma!" I hear 10 voices saying. 

"I'm up!" I say and sit up. I was on the ground, maybe I fainted during my flash back. 

"Are you okay?" Izzie asks me, and i now see that she's sitting right beside me. 

"I'll be fine don't worry about me, this sometimes happens," I say and look at Izzie. 

"Is this a new thing?" Izzie asks me. 

"I developed it because of this drug I'm taking for my anger and other medical problems," I explain. 

"So why don't you talk to your doctor about it. Get off the drug and get a different one," Izzie says. 

"Okay, I'll do it, only if I can get back in touch with you," I ask Izzie. 

"Deal," Izzie says and we shake on it. Izzie helps me up and all of the people walk over to the TV and we sit down to watch baseball. I can't have another flash back about baseball and grandparents, no It can't happen I'm fine. I spend the rest of the night cuddling with Grayson watching baseball. It was the perfect night, with my boyfriend and seeing Izzie for the first time in so many years, maybe 9 years. 

AUTHOR"S NOTE: Another chapter today! Hoepfully I'll be able to update on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm going to Chicago so the next update hopefully will be this week and then the next one will be after that will be next week maybe a week after my next update. Like, Comment, Share on twitter and Instagram and Youtube, also while your at it add it to your library/reading list! Love ya all xoxo - Iz

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