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"Blasted curse!" Esmeralda Willows muttered under her breath after she killed her husband

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"Blasted curse!" Esmeralda Willows muttered under her breath after she killed her husband.

"Mum?" Little Thalia called out to her mother, alarmed by the loud noises that abruptly stopped.

"Coming darling.." She called out, panicking over what she had done.

Thalia Willows never thought she'd see her mother stained in blood, hair sticking to her face due to sweat with a manic look in her eye. No, Esmeralda had always been kind to her daughter, smiling, eyes full of mirth. 

"Why don't you head to bed? I'll clean up and tell you a story," Esmeralda smiled.

"O-okay mummy." For the first time, Thalia was afraid of her mother.

Once she knew Esmeralda was in the bathroom, Thalia made her way to the drawing room, where she had previously heard the screams.

As soon as she opened the door, she was graced with the sight of her father's bloodied body on the floor.

She let out a shrill scream, the sight haunting her memories for life.


That night, Thalia didn't sleep a wink. Esmeralda rushed out after hearing the scream but Thalia was faster. She rushed to her room and locked her door, thinking she would meet with the same fate.

During the early hours, Thalia fell asleep due to pure exhaustion. That's when the vivid dreams started. 

Esmeralda had fallen asleep next to the door, hoping to explain things to her daughter.

Things were truly cleared only after Thalia turned sixteen.

Once she learnt the truth, she accepted it, even got married to produce an heir.

When Emryn was four, her father, August died as he tried to kill Thalia for her wealth. 

Thalia had hoped that he would be different, break the curse but alas, she was wrong. She felt no remorse killing him.

Emryn never knew what truly happened but she knew that her dreams started after her father's death.

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