"This is your home now." (Pilot)

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"This is your home now," announced Steve while leading the new ginger into the Avenger tower. Her hands were still shaking from shock and fear. All of the Avengers could see her clear distrust. Still, she walked into the tower. She looked around taking in its beauty. Once she was lead into her room she took a deep breath and threw herself onto her large bed. She did have to decorate, train, and get settled in but right now all she wanted was to sleep.

It had been 3 days since the defeat of Ultron and finally, Wanda could rest. Her eyes were red from crying and mourning over Pietro. She lost the one thing that brought her joy. She lost all she had left. Wanda felt how her eyes slowly shut and a wave of drowsiness overcame her. Soon she was fast asleep.

I can feel his absence. I can't feel him anymore. What the hell happened?! All I could picture was my dead brother. Why did this happen? As soon as I felt it a scream left my body and my heart ached with pain. He was gone.

Wanda's P.O.V:

I woke up sweating. The nightmares haven't stopped since Ultron so this was nothing new to me. My breathing came fast as I tried to calm down. Why does this never stop? I hate it. I heard something to my left and quickly summoned a knife, from my bag, to where the noise came from. It was floating in the air millimeters away from Natasha's face.

"Sorry. I heard you were up and wanted to check on you. I didn't mean to startle you. I'll knock next time"

Natasha said while giving me one of her famous smirks. My heart started to flutter and excitement roared in my stomach. Maybe it was wrong to feel this but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't help my heartbeat rising every time I saw her. Or smile at the thought of her lips softly touching mine. I couldn't help it.

"It's okay and I'm fine just had a nightmare," I explained myself trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. I hate how nervous I get around her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. About Pietro?" She asked.

I nodded looking at the floor. Maybe if I didn't look at her my heart would stop racing.

"Listen, the Avengers are downstairs playing some poker and having drinks feel free to come downstairs whenever you're ready. Take your time. I know how it feels to be new. If I can do anything for you just call me."

I nodded gratefully, hoping she could see that I was happy she came by. She gave me one last look and walked out of the room. Damn, her ass looked good in those jeans. I clasped my hands in front of my mouth embarrassed of that thought.

"Oh and by the way." Natasha shoved her head through the open door. "You can trust me even though it might be hard to trust a trained killer." She smiled, winked, and quickly disappeared as fast as she came in.

I knew from reading her thoughts that's not what she originally came back for but I just smiled and fell backward onto my bed. It was a privacy breach, yes but I couldn't help sneak into her mind. Just to see where she stood and if she felt what I felt. It was good for both of us. At least I convinced myself of that.

Maybe being here wasn't so bad after all. And I'm ready to fight and honor my brother in every way I can. I'm ready to be an Avenger. And damn I'm ready to get to know every single detail I can about Natasha.

With a quick look at the watch sitting on my bedside table, I knew it was time to get up. I threw on some of my favorite clothes or what I had left of them and opened the door. Maybe poker with the Avengers is fun.

"Love is for children" (Wanda x Nat)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt