The Perfect Gentleman

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Chapter 2: The Perfect Gentleman

I walked to Daddy's work with a homemade lunch in my hands. I was immensely annoyed Mother made me go, since she could go all by herself. I mean, why did I have to go? It made absolutely no sense.

I swear, Mother could sometimes be a bit lazy. Daddy provided for our family while Mother couldn't even bring him his lunch. It was absolutely and utterly absurd.

And the worst of it all: she even made me dress up. For what, I didn't know, but I had to change into the new dress I had bought just a few weeks ago. It made my skin look even more radiant than it naturally was. Before I left the house, she grabbed my cheeks and told me I needed to bite my lips, so they would appear more naturally pink.

As if I needed to look even prettier. I was hardly keeping everyone at bay as it was!

During my short walk, I wondered why Mother made such a fuss about this. There had to be something I was missing. But what could it be? I was so occupied with my own thoughts, I hadn't even realised I was already at the bank.

I went inside, and saw the notorious bachelor Royce King stand in front of me. Rich, tall, handsome, everyone eyed him out since he was the owner's son and everyone wanted a piece of him. He started working at the bank just a few days ago. Suddenly, everything clicked.

Oh, Mother.

This was the reason she made me dress up. It was to grab the attention of Royce King. I should definitely thank her later. I knew she was good for something.

After I told her about Vera's baby and how much I also wanted that, she kept an eye out to find the perfect future husband for me. After all, it became time I settled down and what better partner was there, than Royce King?

And even better, he could be the perfect father for our child.

Our physical appearances combined would make a beautiful baby. The most beautiful little baby in the entire country.

And considering our mutual wealth, we would never live a poor life. He could provide for our family and we could live exactly how we wanted. I would never have to lift a finger, only if I wanted to. I could shop all day, play with my child and drink tea with Vera every afternoon.

He was perfect.

I walked to the front desk, tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and smiled at the clerk sitting there. I needed to appear as sweet as possible, and in need to be rescued.

¨Good afternoon sir. I came here to bring mister Hale his lunch. I'm his daughter Rosalie.¨ I smiled and I saw the clerk visibly buckle under the pressure that was my beauty. My plan had been set in motion.

¨Of course I know you. I could never forget such a pretty face.¨ He stuttered.

Ain't that the truth.

¨Oh, you're so kind.¨ I giggled like a little school girl.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Royce noted our brief conversation. I had him in my grasp and I knew it. He walked over to us.

¨Let me introduce myself to you, Miss Hale. My name is Royce King and my father owns this place. Working with yours certainly has been a pleasure. Shall I accompany you to him?¨ Royce asked me while he extended his arm towards me. I knew this little act grabbed his attention.

Men were so easy to manipulate.

I batted my eyelashes at him.

¨Oh, that sounds marvellous. And you can call me Rosalie,¨ I sighed as I put my arm around his. We walked to my father's office, which was unfortunately a rather short walk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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