Benchtrio Headcanons!

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WOOOW I have had no motivation to write so I'm just gonna put down some headcanons, though the stories may not always have these apply :D This is all about their characters by the way.


-You will sometimes just find him sleeping in random places. On the couch, in a tree, under a desk, maybe just in a soft bit of foliage. It's funny to imagine Tubbo just waking and looking for Ranboo, only to find him snoozing on a tree branch.
- He just has very cat-like behavior in general, but gets upset when people compare him to such. He stretches like a cat, sleeps like a cat, and flicks his tail like a cat would.
- Ranboo can't bathe because of being half enderman, so Tubbo makes sure to clean him with baby powder every so often so he smells nice and his skin doesn't get irritated from the bacteria.


- Tubbo is part goat, so he does this thing where he lets out small bleats involuntarily. He tries to control them, but often fails and know how to change the subject when people hear and ask him about it. Tommy and Ranboo know this, but while Tommy struggles to hold back laughter when he hears it, Ranboo just thinks it adorable.
- If he gets very angry, he will attempt to ram into his target with his horns. Usually, Tommy or Ranboo have been there to hold him back from going full speed into something/someone, but if he is successful, he often ends up hurting himself more than his target. One time Tubbo got frustrated that the tv wasn't working properly, so he instinctually rammed into it. Long story short, Ranboo had to get them a new tv.


- Ok, hear me out, but Tommy can shapeshift into a raccoon. This is how he was able to slip into Techno's house undetected. It's also how he pulls off quick heists, he turns into a raccoon, takes what he needs, and runs off with it.
- If anyone ever mocks raccoon innit, they will be met with a face full of tiny, sharp claws. Tubbo learned this the hard way.

That's all I got for now, hopefully I will be able to post the story I have in the drafts pretty soon! Bye bye! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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