Chapter 1: "I. Want. You. To. Be. My. Boyfriend. For. Tomorrow."

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“You’re so annoying!” Monique screams at me. Her hands go up and down with frustration. “Do you know that?”

What’s up with her? Doesn’t she know that I’m bad? Of course like other girls in my town, she wasn’t able to resist my charms and looks. Girls just forget who I am really. They think they will be the ones who can handle me when I show my true colors little by little. But I am never tamed.

“Well,” I finally speak out. “You hear rumors about my bad boy side. You truly thought that I would be tender and mellow in reality?” I snicker.

“Dillon, I know that!” Monique lies furiously. “It’s just that you’re too bad to be one!”

“How so?”

“You’re a psychopath.”

“That’s too harsh."

“Well you have a collection of different kinds of knives! In your living room!”

“So? It can come handy for cutting meat.”

“You don’t even cook!”

“I think my display looks cool.”

“And you have a fondness for slasher flicks. You kept on forcing me to watch the scenes I can’t freaking stand!”

“I’m used to chicks who are crazy about scary films. Like my sister Dallas and Annika.”

“Okay, Dallas is not normal and Annika’s a goth!”

“Is that all you are willing to complain about?”

“Oh right. There was this time, we saw on the new that a thirty-year-old woman has been locked in the basement by her widower father. She only went upstairs to cook and clean the house. Then you said it was a great idea and you should try that. With me!”

“I was joking!” I laugh. “Can’t you take a joke? And even if I had a slave, it wouldn’t be you. You’re too lazy, too dirty and your cooking is so horrible that I prefer eating shit instead.”

“Sorry!” She apologizes half-heartily. “I ‘m sorry that I wasn’t a perfect girlfriend who didn’t meet your standards! Still you have bigger problems than me.”

“Really? Why w-“

“Yeah it’s you,” she interrupts me. “So if you don’t want to be alone for the rest of your life then change yourself!”

She takes out the ring I gifted her and gives me the middle finger.

“ASSHOLE!” She leaves stomping her feet angrily.

She forgot to pay for her drink. Like always!

I get up from my seat. I just came here because Monique wanted to discuss about our relationship. So I have nothing else to do. I head to the cashier when Rebbecca, one of my former girlfriend’s friends, jumps on me.

“BOO!” Rebbecca exclaims. She giggles like an idiot.

I don’t pay attention and I continue with my business. She doesn’t get that I’m not interested in her.

“So, I’m so sorry…”

“Um, why?” I look at her, clueless.

“You broke up with Monique. I saw you guys arguing.”

“You saw that?” I pretend I’m touched. “Mind your own business next time.” Her face drops.

Still she composes it again. “Anyway, if you need someone to talk to, you can join me at Moon Bar at six. It’s happy hour and my friends will be there.”

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