Risveglio (II)

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(Reminder: This story contains massive spoilers from 'Professor Layton and the Lost Future')



At this rate, you will reach the surveillance floor in no time.

Clive has been following your progression for a while - shifting from one security camera to the other.

He zooms in to take a closer look at you.

He lets his fingers skim across the screen, as if gently caressing your cheek.

You flinch at this contact, and your reaction astounds him.

Celeste forces you into a room to conceal yourselves, waiting until his goon has left the passage.

He switches to the next camera to watch you.

"Don't worry. I instructed my men not to touch a single hair on any of your heads. You and all your little friends are safe... For now."

He observes your expression changing as you continue to navigate around.

It seems like your resolve has strengthened.

He detects some movement in the corner of his eye and checks the other monitors.

He can see all of you.

Professor Layton and the children are now talking to Fisheye in front of the surveillance room where Clive is currently standing.


He walks to the middle of the room, sliding his hands into his pockets and grabbing the controller that will allow him to escape.

Waiting to be lectured in three... two... one...

As expected, the airlock door opens.

"So nice of you to join me, Professor!"

"Whatever it is you have planned, you can't go through with it. We know what Bill and Dimitri did. When the world learns of it, they'll be punished. You said you wanted justice, and isn't that justice enough?"

Clive sighs in disdain.

"That's a nice sentiment. But without large-scale havoc, these fools in government will never change their ways."

"Listen to yourself, Clive! You--"

Clive promptly interrupts the professor while, instantaneously, the door opens once again to let you and Celeste in. You have no opportunity to announce yourself as the young man, unmoved by your arrival, flares up.

"Who are you to argue with me? As a reporter, I've witnessed countless tragedies first hand. And it's clear that my life isn't the only one that's been destroyed in the name of progress! To those in power, the rest of us little people are all just bumps on the road to a brighter tomorrow."

A tomorrow in which Clive has no place any more, he tells himself.

He has lost everything back then, and today as well. He is so broken that there is no way to piece him back altogether.

You cannot fix him, he wilfully convinces himself.

"The only thing a bully understands is force. So you see, I have no choice but to level this place and rebuild it from the ground up."

"What you're saying is unthinkable!"

"This conversation is over."

"No, Clive!"

"Clive! Please, let's talk!", you implore.

He winces at the pain in your voice.

He feels responsible for it and wishes he could apologise.

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