Chapter 2 Alana's Realization

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Alana didn't do what to think she was busy packing her bag she was waiting for her brother Poe and Finn to come back. "Alana Falcon's back," someone says to her she takes off Bb8 follows her "It's on fire all of it saids, Poe" 'how did it go Alana asks" "Really bad actually, you okay Poe asks" Alana. "I'm not good I've been feeling sick really Alana said to her brother" "why what's wrong Poe asks" Alana was caught off guard by Finn "Alana saids, Finn" "Will talk later saids, Poe" "ka saids, Alana." "Finn glad you made it back saids, Alana" "barely you feel alright you don't look so good Finn said to her" until they all got in a fight "Stop it both of you you that way," Alana said to her brother then Alana asks what message and "it confirms the worst somehow Palpatine returned." I was shocked so was everyone else "do we believe that Rose asks" "it can't be the emperor is dead" "the emperor and his crew have been hiding in the unknown regions at a planet called exegol, hes been building something for years he calls it the final order" C3po describes it as the hidden world of the sith I went to grabbed something then ran back. I told the general I wanted to speak with her. I told her how to find exegol after that Finn went to talk to Poe about something

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