chapter two

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Four periods done and just one more to go. Today allowed me to truly lavish in the presence of Vanessa and "her boys". Especially in my classes. I was able to witness for myself her interactions with the guys and it was, quite frankly, gag-worthy. I wanted to smash her head on the desk so badly. Not to kill her, obviously. Just to knock her out very briefly so my mind wouldn't go completely insane from how annoying she is. 

After every class, she'd rush out the classrooms once the bell rang, running to the next one and getting the same front desk, two seats away from the window in every class and would look at me with a very triumph expression whenever I walked in as if she thought that I actually cared about that stuff. Of course, I never gave in to her game because it doesn't phase me. It's a desk. But to her, it was a trophy.

Thankfully, it was now lunch. And gave me a break from seeing Vanessa and her massive bitch ego. But that aside, I was absolutely starving. Once I had grabbed my tray of food filled with fruit, a packed sandwich, a carton of chocolate milk and carrot sticks from the cafeteria. I now had to go through the worst process every new girl had to go through, finding a group and awkwardly ask them if I could join but an arm swings around my shoulders and I almost drop my food out of fright but I held on for dear life.

"Hey, new girl. Sit with us. Everywhere else is full," I take a look at the perpetrator behind making me almost drop my precious food. I instantly recognised him. He was always the one sitting behind Christian. I think his name was Samuel or something. He had the look that every best friend of the protagonist would look like. Light brown hair and just an average, good-looking guy with a probably chill, laid-back type of vibe.

"Uh, I think I'm just gonna look around first," I say, leaning away from him, uncomfortable from how close our faces were.

"You won't have any chance of finding a spot. Trust. Just join us. We have lots of space."

And instead of waiting for me to answer, he starts dragging me against my will. I'm pretty sure this was illegal in some country in the world but either way, it was illegal in my books but I didn't have the strength to push him away because 1) he had so much more muscle mass than me and 2) couldn't risk harm upon my food.

He drags me outside and towards a group sitting on a picnic bench. I see Vanessa playfully pushing one of the guys around and he laughed along with her so perhaps they actually don't mind her but I don't see how that is possible when in the first hour of knowing her I wanted to cut my ears off.

We reached the group and the laughter died down and was already feeling lasers burning into my skull from Vanessa.

"Sam, what is she doing here?" She says disgustingly, crossing her arms.

"Look who I found in the cafeteria, looking around like a lost puppy," he says patting both my shoulders with his hands. I could just imagine the smile on his face right now.

I was stuck on words. I already heard the hype about this group through the hallways. The schools' elites. Had to deal with them in my previous schools but didn't expect public schools to be the same. It should just be filled with ordinary, middle-class people.

Christian, who's sitting on the bench top, slides across so there was room on the edge of the table, "come, sit. Eat."

I smile slightly and take his offer, sliding into the seat next to Christian because I could only assume I had very little time left to eat because I wasted them unnecessarily on the group.

I peel the plastic packaging to the sandwich off and start munching on the sandwich before the group started circling me, making me feel uneasy from the attention gathered on me.

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