chapter five

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After about 20 minutes of driving and jamming to throwbacks together, we arrived at a restaurant parking lot. I lean forward and looked up to read the neon sign: "Mama Maria's". 

It stood out next to its neighbours with its bright yellow and red wallpaper to represent the streets of Mexico during its festive seasons in the small towns in comparison to the white and plain wallpaper next door.

"This is the best Mexican restaurant in the city," he says. I immediately start getting my hopes up as I love my Mexican food in the whole world. Just thinking about it gets my mouth watering.

I remove my seatbelt and open the door, jumping out and headed towards the entrance, a large grin on my face like a child.

Instantly, from the door swinging open, a large amount of seasoning and spices wafting in the air gets my smell senses tingling. It smelled amazing. The interior decoration looked like I was in Mexico with strings of the flag on every wall and murals filled with everything related to the country.

"Ahh Christian, mi amor," someone calls out in a thick Spanish accent.

A lady in about her 50s emerges from the back kitchen and instantly walks past me holding Christian's face in between her hands, kissing both his cheeks with much passion as I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"Abuela please," he says, taking note of my presence and removes her hands from his face while still holding her hands in his.

"What? I don't see my Nieto in weeks and you get embarrassed by your Abuela," she turns around, finally realising I was there, "who is this beautiful lady?"

"Abuela, this is Andrea," Christian introduces.

"Andrea," she says, rolling the 'R' in my name, giving a native and more ancient ring to it which I kinda liked more rather than the modern version, "welcome!" She spreads her arms wide open and pulls me into a hug as I couldn't help but return the favour, "any friend of Christian's is welcome here."

"Thank you. It's so nice to meet you," I say kindly with a smile. She releases from the hug while still holding my hand. There's something about an elder woman's touch that is so soothing.

"You too, my dear. Sit, sit. I'm making my famous birria tacos. Christian's favourite. You like tacos, dear?"

"Yes, they're my favourite too."

"Muy Bien! Will be ready soon."

She rushes back into the kitchen, leaving me and Christian stranded at the entrance of an empty restaurant. I look back and lock eyes with Christian and in a split second, we both start bursting out laughing.

"Sorry about that," he apologises, running his hair back through his finger. Gosh, that's hot. Oh my.

I push the thoughts away and chuckle slightly, "don't sweat it, she's sweet."

"Let's go find a seat," he suggests, leading me deeper into the restaurant with a hand resting on the small of my back. I didn't even have to look back or compare hands to have an idea of his size. They were massive. Does that mean his dick is big too? I chuckle as my head mentally added that eye emoji.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing at all," I brush off. There's no way he could ever know my thoughts, they are just as weird as I lead on to be.

I take a seat at the counter like at a retro diner and wait until the food came out. But, a few seconds in and the awkward silence caught up to me. Should I say something? What do I even say?

"So, how are you liking Graceland's so far?"

Thankfully, he started the first conversation.

"Yeah, it's not too bad. I mean it's school, what is there to love?"

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