Ships part 1 (Jaune x Yang)

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I was currently using a tablet to put some of the universes while everyone had a seat. I then saw something that can be funny

Me: I have found some images of a universe where Jaune ends up with a wonderful girl

Weiss: someone wishes to be with this dolt, I feel sorry for them

Ruby: Weiss, stopping being so mean to him,

Yang: I have to say, I am curious to see who Vomit Boy ends up with,

Me: well if you are curious Yang, here it is,

Pyrrha: 'please be me, please be me'.

Weiss: 'please don't be me, please don't be me'.

Weiss: 'please don't be me, please don't be me'

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Everyone was shocked at the image. Jaune and Yang were blushing red, Weiss and Blake were dumbfounded, Ruby was awweing, Nora and Ren were stunned, and finally Pyrrha was heartbroken that Jaune was with someone other than her.

Jaune: me and Yang, how did we get together?

Yang: is there something wrong with us being together?

Jaune: Yang, you are WAY out of my league.

Me: Jaune, you are courageous, willing to take a bullet with no aura for anyone here, and you are loyal to a fault. I am a guy and straight but anyone who gets with you is lucky. Maybe you are out of Yang's league.

Jaune(angry): Yang is one of the most strongest people I know; when her mother passed, she had to step up and help raise Ruby, that shows she has the makings of a great mother. She may not be a academical genius but she is smart in other things. She is beautiful and she is confident but she never once uses it for anything devious. Yang is a wonderful girl and anyone who has HER is lucky, and if they don't think so, they are an utter fool!!

Yang was stunned as Jaune defended her and complimented her. Jaune had then blushed as he realized he had yelled out how he saw Yang as an amazing woman.

Me(smirking): well let's continue.

Yang then smirked and began to lean in to Jaune

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Yang then smirked and began to lean in to Jaune.

Yang(whispering): you know, I have no issue kissing you like that, but only if you don't drop me.

Pyrrha was seething at Yang for flirting with Jaune.

I had then decided to add some more confidence to Jaune as well as some more strength. Jaune then smirked and picked up Yang just like in the photo but without the kissing*

Jaune: well I have to say, I don't think I will be dropping you anytime soon

Yang was stunned before grinning and leaned in for a kiss.

Yang was stunned before grinning and leaned in for a kiss

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Yang: hmm Mrs. Yang Xiao-Long Arc, I like it.

Jaune: rolls off the tongue, doesn't it.

Pyrrha was seething as she was watching Yang and Jaune flirt with one another.

Me: finally we have our last one, the future possible family.

Me: finally we have our last one, the future possible family

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Everyone was staring at the picture with great interest. Jaune and Yang were deep in shock while Yang had remember hearing how Jaune had to help his parents with his younger sisters. She had no doubt that he would make a great father. Yang had then decided to rest her head on his shoulder as she daydreamed about a future family in bliss.

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