Chapter four: New friends

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Lucy's POV

After wandering around for god knows how long I finally find my to the cafeteria. I look around and I spot Natsu. He looks at me and motions me to come over. I walk over to his table. "Hey Natsu who's your new friend?" a girl with wild looking blue hair asks. "Hello. I'm Lucy Heartfilla." I say smiling. The girl smiles back. "Hi ya! I'm Levy Mcgarden. It's nice to meet you!" Levy says excitedly. While I'm at their table I also meet Mirajane, her brother and sister Elfman and Lisanna, Gajeel, and Wendy. Everyone is really weird and crazy but friendly. "What's up ice freak?" I hear Natsu ask. I turn around see him. Ugh...

I glare at him. "Not now flame head" Gray says. He notices me and starts chuckling. "What's funny?" I ask harshly. He smirks. "Oh nothing, just surprised you found your way to the cafeteria." He says with an amused smile on his face. I stand up and slap him again. Everyone gasps. "It wouldn't have taken me so long if you told me and not as waste my time. You pushed me in a closet for kami sake!" I yell angrily. I grab my stuff and walk out of the cafeteria. I smirk as I see an angry looking Gray and everyone in the cafeteria speechless.

Gray's POV

What the heck?! That girl...She got some nerve. I sit down at the table fuming. "Dang Gray..what the hell did you do to tick her off so badly?" Gajeel says amusingly. I glare at him. "Other than not telling her where the cafeteria was nothing!" I yell. "But didn't she say something about you pushing her into a closet?" Wendy asks. Everyone starts oooing and of course Mirajane started fangirling. "It's not like that! The only reason I did so Juvia wouldn't see her! You know how she gets..." I say. Juvia Lockser is basically my stalker. She follows me everywhere! She also clings to me all the time! "Ah I see. Maybe you should give Juvia a chance. She's a nice girl." Mirajane says with a smile. I'll go to Satab before that happens! (AN: Sorry Gruvia fans) I feel a chill go down my crap she's here...

"Gray-sama!" Juvia runs up to the table and hugs me. "Argh! Get off me Juvia!" I yell and try to push her off. Everyone starts awing. Why does she hug so tightly?! "Juvia missed you! It's been a whole summer Gray-sama! Why did Gray-sama run away from Juvia earlier?" She says and stops hugging me. Now's my chance! I stand up and dash out the cafeteria.

~Time skip end of the day~

Lucy's POV

Finally it's the end of school! This day has been...interesting. I pack my bag and walk out of class. I meet Levy and Erza in the hallway and we talk until we get to the gardens. I spot Gray under a tree looking into space. Gosh that face...I start feeling guilty for what I did to him today..

I part ways with Levy and Erza and walk to Gray. I lean against the tree he's at. After a few minutes he finally notices my presence and frowns. "What do you want?" He asks coldly. I look at him with a sincere look in my eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you and for slapping you in the face twice today...You have every right to be mad at me. And the closet thing...I know you probably had a reason for doing what you did and I'd like to hear it." I say. It's complete silence for a few minutes. He chuckles then full on laughs! I blush from embarrassment. I feel his huge hand on my head. "It's alright. I guess I should tell you my reason about pushing you into a closet and all." He says. So he explains to me about this girl named Juvia and how she's been stalking him sense middle school. I laugh at his predicament. "It's not funny! Anyway..we should go. Want me to walk you home?" He asks. I blush slightly and nod.

In the way to my house we talk about anything we think of. It was nice. When we get to my house I bid him good bye and walk into my house. I run up to my room and flop onto my bed blushing madly. I think I me and him are friends..hopefully.

Gray's POV

After walking dropping Lucy off at her house I walk home. She's different. I think me and her could be good friends. I smile to myself. I'm looking forward to tomorrow Lucy Heartfilla...


Took me forever to do this one...I'm not feeling too good today minna so excuse any careless errors I made. I hope you liked it though! Also I'm taking story requests again! I'll do anything but lemon!


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