Chapter One- Assasian's Steed

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The crack of the reign against your horse sent it into a fury of hoof-beats, galloping against the coarse dirt.

Your life was on the line thanks to your job- you were an assasian.

You didn't want the job at first, but the payment was enough to feed your family. It was hard to find jobs in the middle of a war that paid well.

So, how'd you get into this mess? Well...


"You there...... you kill?"

You shook your head violently.

"No sir, never killed anything in my life besides the odd animal or two." You replied awkwardly.

He took a huff from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke into your face.

"I have some.... targets..... per se." He explained, pulling out a list from the pocket of his coat. "I need you to eliminate them and in return, I'll give you a generous payment."

"Oh, hell no." You snapped back right away. "I'm not killing some innocent people for what? Three bucks an hou-"

He pulled out a bag full of jewels, tempting you into the job slowly.

"Kill them all and the fortune is yours, slip up and you'll be the next target on the list." He breathed his smoky breath into your face.

You nodded swiftly, taking off once you grabbed the bag of sharpened weapons from his grasp.


"There they are!"

A thick accent called behind you, sending your horse into a sudden stop. You noticed a group of MoonShadow elves running after you, riding what you assumed was just a really big cat with horns.

"Quick! Giddyup, Faithful!" You cried, the crack of the leather against your horse's back.

Just like that, your horse let out a cry before speeding out into the forests ahead.

Faithful ran and ran faster than she'd ever run before, grunting and huffing from exhaustion as she slid and bucked, accidentally kicking you off her back.

You were about to get back on, when you noticed a nick in her thigh from a weapon. An awfully sharp weapon, at that.

"Oh, sweetie..." You sighed, rubbing the wound as she whimpered. "You got me this far. Thank you."

The sentiment, sadly, was cut short by an arrow shooting into your horse's neck, finishing her for good.

"No no.." You gasped. "Thank you, Faithful. Rest up. You're gonna be alright.".

With sadness, you shoved your knife into her, ending her suffering for good.

"Oh, Faithful....."

"Thank you for everything."

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