Chapter 6

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Okay this chapter is written in Amarquis POV the entire chapter. I'm going to start this chapter back when he just learned Whitney was pregnant. Enjoy ❤️


You can't keep hurting a person and expect them to keep loving you. You have to know when enough is enough.





"It's not mine Whitney and I'm not taking care of it"

After those words I ran out of the hospital room.

Every room that I saw had little blue or pink decorative ribbons around the door making me want to run even faster away from it all.

I bypass the elevator because that will take to long, so I went for the steps. I'm a athlete so running these steps were nothing to me.

I ran all the way to my car, start the car and got on the interstate.

I passed chipotle and decide to stop to get Ashlyn some food.
Ashlyn is Whitney's sister that she doesn't even know she has.

Ashlyn is 19 years old and was supposed to be an aborted baby but the nurse couldn't go through with the procedure because Shelia was already to far along in the pregnancy.

Whitney's mother Sheila, used to be on drugs really bad and to this day still owes debt to her drug dealer. How do I know all this? Because I'm a drug dealer myself. I've been in the game for about three years with my father

Still to this day, nobody knows that Ashlyn and Whitney are sisters but I don't know how. They look just alike and like the same things which made it extremely easy to cheat.

I know you might think I'm I'm a bad guy, but I do have love for them both but in different ways.

Whitney is the type of girl you marry. She has dreams and goals that sometimes when she talked about them, I got uncomfortable because they were huge dreams that were thought out and planned for.
Hopefully one day I will marry her but I'm definitely not ready right now.

Ashlyn is the type to understand that she is a hoe and might I add she plays her role very well. She knows I sell drugs and is okay with it . As long as I give her some money and dick she is perfectly fine.

The real problem is that Ashlyn is 6 months pregnant with my son Daniel.

I really need to tell Whitney soon but this will break her heart and I love this girl to much to do that to her. I have to tell her before she finds out on her own.

After I picked up Ashlyn's food and got some gas, I head to her house.

Another thing is that Ashlyn can't cook worth shit and I'm not about to be poisoned. Oh hell no. I got a game coming up soon. I've been down that road before and I can't go back to the hospital for that again.

I opened up the door with my key and I'm not surprised the house is a mess.

Ashlyn isnt the perfect house wife either. She can't cook and she doesn't clean. Last night she tried to make meat loaf but it looked like a big glob of shit in a pan. With her pregnancy hormones and to keep from hurting her feelings, I ate some of it . The shit was horrible. It tasted like she hit a possum and covered in dirt and put it in the oven for 30 minutes . If she was trying to kill me then she came reaaaal close yesterday.

I started picking up clothes and calling for Ashlyn because she is normally sitting on the couch . So I know something is wrong because this is not like her.

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