His Definition of Beauty

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Love is something no one can live without. It surrounds every soul, whether it's apparent or not. Without love there is nothing really left to guarantee a happy and full life. Love is a mystery, a strong feeling that is invested in every human being. But it also not mystery to how we love. It is no mystery to how our love can uplift us and bring more change to a person's life than any other feeling. Love is like a candle. It is delicate and pure, and when the odds blow this light away, it can always be re-lit, awaken; and continue to glow and dance in triumph. It exists all around the world, with sisters, brothers, parents, lovers, pets, and so much more. It can appear anywhere, in anyone. It sparks between two people, and once it does, it is the candle that dances in the darkness. It may be blown out... but it will ignite again.

So when Toby's eyes met with Spencer's for the first time, the first real time, he saw his whole life in her eyes. It was hopeful, and a curiosity he had to explore. Just simple things she did was magic to him, the way she pushed her hair behind her ear when she was studying in her majestic floral patterned room, laid out on her bed, her eyes squinting down at the papers below her. The way she laughed when Toby brought back small memories that were delicate and joyful; her laugh was small but it rang through his mind like music. And her smile; it was like a gleaming light that hit him. She was his true definition of beauty. To him, she was beauty, she was simplicity. She was everything to him.

The early morning light peeked into his room that morning, easily working its way up onto the black sheets of his bed. He kept his eyes closed, but he felt the warmth from the sun on his legs. He groans slightly, knowing this means it's another day, and he had no idea what it would bring him. He twists his body over, and he hopes to escape the light from his open window. Birds hummed through the sky one after another, each with a different song. His eyes open slightly, he faces the open window, where the new blue sky looks down upon the tiny town of Rosewood.

His phone was sitting on his side table and it hummed gently, then again with a bleep. It meant a new text message. Toby grabs his phone with his tired hand, and he adjusts his eyes at the bright screen of his dark green phone. It was a text from Spencer, and his heart skips a beat, and a smile grows over his lips. Just knowing it was from her awoken his heart from deep sleep. He opens the text with a swift movement with his thumb, and the text reads:

Are we still on for breakfast? Meet me downstairs!


He laughs to himself because he could just hear her voice saying that to him with sarcasm. She probably knew he was still in bed. But he knew better than to not get up, so he stretches his limbs, placing his phone back onto the side table. He struggles to get out of bed after a long previous day of work as a police officer, but he was happy now.

After a few weeks ago, he and Spencer had been in a bad place. Well, he wouldn't call it a bad place, more of a broken place. But after he had seen how much his actions had affected Spencer... there was no going back, only to make changes. So he had. Tanner no longer was at the police station after her death, suspected A had killed her. He was shocked for a few days, but Tanner had been too occupied in Toby's personal life for him to really feel too terrible about her death. She had always had a hawk eye on his relationship with Spencer. It bothered him a lot and it had taken a toll on his life, but he had talked to Spencer, and now they were honest with each other.

After A was almost, not caught, but almost, Toby was sure he would never let anything interfere with him and Spencer ever again. When he had heard that Spencer and her friends were kidnapped... he had pictured the worst. If the police hadn't had found them fenced in near that old factory, A's messed up "Dollhouse" he couldn't imagine what could've happened to his girlfriend. Sometimes, girlfriend didn't seem like a good enough word to describe her. Calling her his girlfriend didn't seem real enough, because she was much more than that too him. She was his best friend, she was his soul-mate. And when he really did think about it, she was just his other half; what he needed to live.

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