Chapter 12

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Are you born with bad luck? Or does that "God" character control you and think, Taylor hasn't had a bad day today, let's give her a broken leg?

If you're born with bad luck, then why is a person that is so nice, get the butt end of everything? And what is bad luck if you're born with it? If you're born with something, then you get "used" to it, correct? Such as you have a bad eye, you get glasses to correct it and then live the rest of your life with it just because you're born with it and there's nothing you can do. So if you're born with luck, yet bad, wouldn't be used to hearing bad news?

No. I don't think any human being will ever become numb to horrible pain such as the words of I don't love you or your mom and dad died last night in a plane crash. Those are words that no person will ever be accustom to. They hurt us, they pain us, yet we live every day with the fear that something might not be okay, that something bad will happen and we have to brave each day to seem "okay".

But would that be considered being boring with bad luck? Or does it fall under the category of "God" controlling our lives and giving the ones that don't deserve it so it balances everything out. The ones with a bad life have it bad already, so lets give the rich cancer and the healthy ones diabetes and kill the rest. My brother, whom is very religious, tells me that "God only gives you what you can handle." But what if "God" gives you cancer and you die from it? That person wasn't strong enough to beat cancer, they died from it. I think, to me, that's the sign a person cannot handle something of that nature.

Such as Marnie and the voices in her head. If that was the thing that killed her. "God" put those in her head, so as my brother says, and she killed herself over it. Whatever that was going on in that pretty little head of hers couldn't handle the pain she was enduring, causing her to swallow those pills and fall six feet down.

Why does someone so happy and beautiful have to die at such a young age?

January 1st, 2012, 12:30 p.m.

"What if we took a plane?" Harry barged into my room, taking off his jacket and heading to my fridge, "I mean, it's a four hour drive, what if we found a plane, and it's only like a 30 minute flight"

"Harry, do I have to remind you I have no money?" I half chuckle, pulling the milk carton from his hands before his germs contaminate the hole from which I poor, "I don't mind a long drive"

"Trust me, you will. I've done that trip a few times. Only cool thing about it is the London Bridge, and that's if we go out of our way to cross it." He turns to my fruit basket and takes a banana, "I haven't had lunch yet, I'm starving"

"Then let me make you a sandwich" I laugh and put the milk back into the fridge, taking out jelly and grabbing the peanut butter from the cupboard, "and what if I want to see the London Bridge"

"Then I'll take you there myself when were in London." He sits down at my counter top, "come on, it's not much, my dad owes me a birthday present from last year, this could be it. Plus, he likes you, so he would love to give up his money for us"

"I feel like I would be taking his money, the school is already giving me a full ride because of him"

"Because of me, excuse you" he laughs and I roll my eyes, handing him the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, "anyway, I'll give him a call. Do we have to be in London at a specific time?"

"Before 5" I say and he nods, pulling out his phone and giving his father a call.

Sooner than later, I'm finishing up packing my bag and throwing it in the back of Harry's car. The flight is at 3 and we get there at 4, so it's an hour flight, just making that clear because Harry lied and said it was only a half hour. We are now on our way to his house so he can pack his bag and get the information from his father. Which was very nice of Mr. Styles to do for us.

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