Luke Johnson??? Part 2

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Loki's POV

walking into starks idiotic tower gave me some doubts of agreeing but hey i could always just go back to my apartment so i kept walking through the ridiculously large lobby to by the looks of it private elevator

time skip cause I'm lazy

f*#k sake i knew stark was rich but this is over the top its all overly fancy expensive couches huge tvs an open kitchen with a ton of fancy electronics 

make yourself at home i guess id give you a tour but i can't be bothered your rooms the forth on the left  don't break anything 


*eye roll* teenagers

I'm not actually a teenager you know

yeah well biology and Thor say other wise

uugghh that oaf

calm it emo go explore help yourself to food i don't care just don't bother me unless its important


god he's insufferable heading to my designated room and setting my stuff down taking in my surroundings there must have been some sort of prep before they came got me cause there's a bunk bed in the far left with green duvets with black pillows a few mcr posters on the lime coloured walls and a pc set-up probably either to laugh at my confusion or keep me occupied most likely both jokes on them I'm not Thor and actually bother with learning about this sort of stuff deciding to hell with it I power on the pc and begin playing ( don't ask what he's playing could be Minecraft for all I know you choose )

time skip cause I'm REALLY lazy also its 2am and I want to get this out

after several hours of gaming I shut down the pc and head to the kitchen for a snack opening the fridge and grabbing a can of monster and another apple I turn around and come face to face with Natasha 

JESUS how'd you get there 

I'm a spy

yeah yeah anyway aren't you meant to ask why I'm here

nah been watching tony all day already know and you shouldn't be drinking that

why because its bAd for me 

no your in terms 15 and legally can't

when did I care about the law

since the option of foster care popped up 

its just one monster

fine how about we make a deal

what kind of deal

you can have 1 monster per week and i get to buy you some new clothes

is there something wrong with my outfit 

no I just had some ideas of stuff for you

fine deal can I go now

yeah I've gotta train

DON'T CARE I shout as I walk back to my room

now officially bored I scroll through tumbler whilst eating my apple once done I go through and bin the core and then sit on the couch with the half finished monster  when just my luck tony walks in with Clint this shall be interesting

Clint: so you said you wanted to show me something 

tony: yeah one sec fri where's Lo-Luke 

Friday: he appears to be in the room with you sir

tony: thanks fri hey squirt get out here

loki: don't call me that

clint: why the f*#k is loki here

tony: he was hiding in a high school clint and guess what he's actually a teenager

clint: your joking

tony: nope meet luke johnson *hands over student profile*

clint: wait your allergic to hazelnuts 

loki: yes anything else you'd like to know or can i go back to ignoring you

tony: i think someone needs to be taught to respect his elders what do you think 

clint: i agree 

tony: no phone and i'll be taking that *grabbing monster and phone*

loki: hey give them back

tony: no can do tiny you to young for monster and well i just don't really like you so no phone until you learn respect

loki: you can't take my phone i payed for it myself

clint: should we take something else for that comment

tony: not yet but if he keeps this up he'll lose his pc privileges and the surprize i got him

loki: what surprize

tony: none of your business

they both walk of laughing with my phone and the monster i turn to head to my room and boom natasha again

can you stop that

nah anyway here *hands  half empty monster can from before*

he left it on a table in the opposite hallway and we had a deal


no problem 

authors note: loki drinking monster is canon idk what you say anyway what do you think tonys surprize is if you can guess congrats and yet again i post at 4am this might become a thing the 4am poster only posts at 4am myth or legend

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