sorry but what the hell

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Tony couldn't believe loki was drunk like genuinely off his nut drunk normally this didn't happen so you can see why he was surprised a couple weeks back thor had brought back some asgardian mead so he could drink with us and for whatever reason hid it and now that loki had finally found it he was currently on the table dancing the macarena to cotton Eye Joe and it was hilarious Clint who was somewhat drunk aswell was throwing money at him whilst Tony recorded it the rest of the team sat around watching don't get them wrong this was normal for Tony but loki was normally cool and collected forever charming everyone he met so comparing scenes of him usually to him now it was a pretty shocking scene until..... thor walked in the minute he spotted loki he was furious
Loki stopped in his tracks staring sheepishly at thor as he marched towards him
Don't hey me, your not supposed to drink
I'll do what I want thor
I'll tell father
Go ahead he's not MY father
Loki its illegal
Since when has that stopped me
Stop acting like your this awful person we all know you had no control over new York
What about the jotun
You were upset your emotions got away from you

Hate to butt in here but what do you mean illegal I don't think he's broken any law Tony interrupts with

Well my brother here happens to be-

Loki climbs of the table and goes to leave but cap stops him

Wait i fought a child
I'm not a child
How old are you
Thousands of years old captain
Earth terms
Roughly 15-16 id say
Thats a child god I fought i child I could have killed you, I LET A CHILD DRINK , I'm an awful person

Great you broke him Tony complains as thor transfers loki from caps weakening grasp to his own firm one don't worry yourself captain loki should have known better than to drink whilst underage, loki apologise to Steve

For fucks sake, sorry I had some fun not like there's anything else of interest around here

Okay I take offense there are plenty of cool things here Tony exclaimed
It wouldn't even matter if there wasn't to drink underage is unacceptable

Not wanting to stick up for they guy but on earth it is custom to allow 15-16 year olds to drink if supervised he was technically not breaking any law

See i didn't even do anything wrong loki said as he tried to break free from thors grasp
In asgardian terms you have
Its not like im asgardian so what does it matter
Your a child
How do we know if jotuns age differently
They don't
What did you ask odin that
Our father would have mentioned if you were younger or older than you thought you were
Hes not my father
He raised you he was as good as
He stole me and then constantly told me how much better you were than me oOoOhH thor can already weild a sword you should try harder loki oOoOhH thor got his first kill maybe if you weren't so busy learning womans tricks you would have gotten yours by know
He loved you
Then why did he tell me how horrible my own race was why did he admit to me that he only raised me because he wanted to use me to make a peace treaty I was a trophy of war and a bargain chip to him thor nothing more nothing less

Thor you want to help your brother right
And loki you want him to get off your back
So little compromise here clearly yall have some issues I have this therapist I think you should do sessions
I am not in need of professional help stark
I agree with my brother here

Hear me out loki you can do individual sessions to talk about your issues with your father and the rest of your childhood and then you can do sessions with both of you to get over your issues

How would that help loki sighs whilst rolling his eyes

Thor gets off you back cause your less mentally and emotionally unstable
You get to bitch about you dad
And thor gets to help you without bothering you

This sounds like a good arrangement man of iron

Great ill get that set and for the record my names Tony

AN: so I took a very very very long break to recollect my mental state and now have managed to spew this rubbish so enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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