Question #10

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thenovaswag asks: (thank you by the way, I've been dying to add more to this book)

Question to LoN: what was your reaction when you first saw UN earn his mark?

LoN: Before I answer the question, I just want to thank you for asking this question, I was worried that people wouldn't pay mind to me since I am for the most part a forgotten piece of history, so I truly appreciate that you took the time to ask me a question, it means a lot to me.

My reaction to UN earning his entity mark was nothing short of pride and joy.  My organization was falling apart at that time and I too was dying, I didn't even have the strength to lift my wings off the floor, so I was overjoyed and utterly relieved when my little boy earned his mark.  I knew he would do amazing things as he carried on my line of work and when my time to leave eventually came, I knew that the world would be left in good hands.  To this day I am still so proud of all that he accomplished and continues to accomplish, without a doubt he is a much better full-time entity than I ever was.

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