Old friends and New foes

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A few months later on Jenny's 9th Birthday.
June 10th 2009
Around 4:00 pm
An Autobot ship arrives on the new military base they were living at.

No one's pov

Jenny woke up to the sounds of an engine. So she got up quickly and excitedly grabbed her cane to walk down and she was surprised to see an Autobot ship touchdown on the meadow near the military base. She then walked down a huge flight of stairs and tried to run. Couldn't really do it. As she was trying, she was noticed by General Orion, her guardian, who was doing taxes and bills. After he was done with the documents, he ran after her and went in front of her. He took her arm and he looked at her. She just kept looking at the giant ship touching down. Orion told her to go back inside and he told Atche to watch her. She just kept staring out the window. He saw the ship and started to walk outside in the meadow.

Jenny's pov

I was looking outside and I saw something that made me question Orion's trust. Or should I say, Optimus Prime's trust. I'm sure there was a good reason why he didn't tell me. Probably because I wouldn't understand but I still trust both Orion and Optimus. I wanted to know he kept it from me. But I at least need to know why he kept it. I just want some closure. While I was going back to my room, Micheal Yoreh saw me and said, "We need to talk." He put me in a room and locked the door. He said, "Wait here and I will get General Orion. After he left, it became silent. All I could hear was a heartbeat. I just sat there and waited.

Ironhide's pov

When we came there, we were greeted with open arms. I came to Earth with Drift, Hound, and Crosshairs.We were shocked when we saw Optimus Prime transform from a human and he walked over and shook our servos. He asked me if we could talk in private. He told me that he was getting suspicious of the human race because he noticed that the agency was asking more and more of their help. He was starting to notice that Autobots were also going missing. As well as Decepticons. He said to me in suspicion, "I want you to investigate. I can't allow anything to happen especially to Jenny. I love her so much. If I lost her, I would shutdown. No one will ever see me smile again." He was serious. I knew that this "Jenny" was more important to him then Elita or his ex wife, Tanya. So I gladly accepted the offer. After that, a much younger bot, a trainee, came up to us and asked us if we would join him on giving Jenny a happy birthday. Of course Optimus accepted but I couldn't intrude, but they insisted so they took a box about the size of a four wheel drive and put a Colt (baby boy horse) inside. Smokescreen (the trainee), said, "I got a horse that she would absolutely love, it is the son of a Shire breed racehorse named Giant Jack and the mare is a clydesdale named Big Mary."

"You got her a giant baby horse." I said with uncertainty. Smokescreen said, "She wanted to take horseback and now she can." Optimus rose an eyebrow and looked at Smokescreen. "Where exactly is she going to stable the horse and get the lessons?" Smokescreen said, "I already took care of it. I got an old friend of mine to contact a long lost friend/client and she said that she would be happy to stay here for a while and she already knows who we are. And I found out that the government is going to make an alpha team called, "the Automen." And they are going to use horses for transportation. They will need a stable and a trailpath to practice riding. So I talked to the director and I asked if they could train her in riding as well. They happily agreed to do it." I held my hand up for high five and I said, "Don't leave me hanging little buddy." So he high-fived me and we went inside. He then ran to the back and unlocked a door. She ran out and we all said, "Happy Birthday, Jenny!" She was happy and she was crying tears of joy. She said, "Thank you all for thinking of me. Don't thank us, thank big bot here, ironhide, and Smokescreen. She hugged us all and asked for General Orion. We all looked at each other and said, "We need to tell you something."

Just as we were about to tell her, a big bot crashed in and took Jenny. We then started to run after the bot.
After a little while of chasing him, we stopped him and we found out he gave her to Starscream. I've never seen Optimus so angry. So we asked the bot if he knew where Starscream was taking her. He told us, "First, stop calling me "bot," my name is Lockdown. Second of all, I sent her off to be transformed. Good luck trying to find her." He chuckled and when I looked back at Optimus, he stiffined up and looked up and ran to him. He was so fast. He looked like Blurr when he needs to leak. Heh heh. He grabbed him and went into Alpha Prime Mode. (A super powerful form that combines the brains of 2 primes). I took a look at him and I said, "Prime! Chill, can't you see where she is through your eyes. Remember, your brains are temporarly combined." He nodded and he shut his eyes. When opened them, they were glowing bright blue. I knew he could see her.

Optimus' pov

I saw her. She was being tortured. She was locked into a medieval torturing device. Being stretched and stretched even more. I could see her crying. It was making my spark break seeing her being stretched to death and shocked. She's going to end up transforming into an Alpha mode. (Not the same as Alpha Prime Mode.) I told her that would be there soon. When I turned off the vision, Lockdown was gone and Ratchet was trying to find him. I split from her brain and said, "She's in the Nemesis. Its time to forget about Lockdown." He looked up and continued, "Ratchet, Bulkhead, Ironhide, and Smokescreen. I think we will have a new threat very soon. Its time to get Jenny off that ship. She shouldn't have been able to get on that ship a second time.

Jenny Paxonite, The daughter of a PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now